I found the best new name for the Redskins

The Washington Warbonnets.

I don’t give a shit about football. I’d convert all the football stadiums into soccer ones or better yet, Australian Rules Football if I could. Football is boring, commercial driven and so very static (but has a good draft system, I’ll give it that).

However, in this era of let’s call it political overcorrectingness, people are offended by everything and the Washington Redskins fell to the offended mob recently. They are working on a new name. I get it, at first blush it certainly seems offensive– but then you see interviews with Indians that don’t mind the name at all and especially the logo and branding, which is frankly REALLY fucking cool. Indians interviewed like the representation of native Americans in professional sports. I think they should have it, just like the Celts, Vikings, Saxons, Trojans, Spartans, on and on.

This is so badass…

So in coming up with the name, I thought at first it was imperative to follow what has worked in the past really well: pick a TRIBE name like the ‘Noles or Fighting Illini. We all know the Comanches, the Iroquois, the Apache and the Araucanian (look them up, geez), among many others, have become LEGENDARY in their ferocity as warrior cultures and would fit perfectly as team names. We yell GERONIMO! when jumping off stuff. This is homage to great warriors and a term of endearment and great respect. Every time a kid asks “why you yelling that” and you explain it to them, it retains in our cultural memory the history of these great and terrifying people and their story and struggles against the early forces of globalization.

But which tribe do you pick? The Blackfeet were involved in the original logos, but what about all the tribes in the DC area? The Pohantan empire was there when the first settlers arrived, there’s the Mohicans, Delaware, Sioux, Cree, on and on and on. I think for this team, it’s too tough to choose just one and we need a logo and name that is more general, but also isn’t perceived as racist in our current ULTRA sensitive climate.

And aside from all that, we want a cool name and a cool logo. I found it when driving up north last week. I saw a road called Warbonnet road and there it is, simple, effective, iconic.


Problem Solved.

New Samurai Shodown character!

And we are on to season 2 DLC for Samurai Shodown. This is a NEW NEW character, not just one of the old ones coming back and it’s a bit odd. I’ve been happy with the choices so far, despite the last set of characters getting too into the waifu region, especially with Iroha.

So this guy is a knight. He unlocks tomorrow so I haven’t gotten a game with him yet, but will as soon as possible. Unlike samurai swords, the European longsword is much more of a club you can stab with. Extremely well made (never discount the Europeans for their steel forging– they were amazing) but not really for cutting bodies in any subtle way, Knights would brute their way in combat, using the pommel, punching and using the heavy sword as a club mostly vs other armored enemies. With that, I’m curious how this guy fights.

While I would like to see many of the old characters come back (Sieger, Gen-An, Caffeine Nicotine, etc.), Darli Dagger was brand new to the series and she has grown on me a ton– a big-hit female character in games is pretty rare!

Dead CCG update, 2020

The 90’s CCG splooge brought many terrible games trying to cash in on MTG’s success. Out of the cascade of dreck came a few good games– some of which are supported to this day. I think I did this a few years ago where I went through the status of some of my favorites. The genre of multiplayer CCG’s is long dead as evident by Fantasy Flight (FFG) making Legends of the Five Rings two player only… bah!

Let’s start with the bad news:


Shadowfist’s new kickstarter was supposed to start in Spring 2020. We have four days left until Summer and based on shadowfist.com and the reddit group, there have been no updates at all since Fall of 2019. This one may stay dead, which is sad because as a multiplayer CCG, it is the absolute best, including the theme.

Blood Wars

This sucked 2 player, but was significantly better multiplayer. I just check from time to time if anyone is going to rehash it from the dead as the subject matter is pretty excellent. Nope, still dead. Don’t discount this one if you find it for cheap.

Good news…

Jyhad / Vampire the Eternal Struggle

Garfield’s multiplayer masterpiece is set for a reboot (again). It’s amazing how this thing keeps going as post-Jyhad it descended into a complete mess of a game with horrifying degeneracy. It is quite fun with the right group and they are keeping this one going!

On The Edge

This is one of the pre-cursors to Shadowfist and is notable as it’s likely the only William S. Burrough’s inspired card game (or board game for that matter). Perfectly encapsulates the conspiracy-fanatic 90’s to a T and with my favorite CCG card ever made, this game is only sort of dead. A guy from Wisconsin put out a custom set of cards with permission of the original designers– which is really cool.


This game died, came back in force, died again, sadly as FFG had a great model and great support. This is the only 2 player game on this list. It was fun, but for me it’s been eclipsed by Keyforge because I can reach into a box, pull out an unopened deck and be taken for a ride for 4-10 games with people that have done the same. That said, this game is being kept alive by it’s fans, which is really confusing as apparently the license was in dispute between FFG and WOTC. It’s called the NISEI project and will probably continue for awhile until the people that run it realize it’s a LOT of work and no money– and there’s always the possibility that WOTC or whoever will totally reboot the game at some point, making all your fan expansions moot.



This is never going to come back as it was a fun, but not very good game compared to the others on this list. This is one we have to get some plays in at some point to verify the above sentence.

Good Sleeves

Usually I buy good sleeves for my CCG or TCG cards and shit ones for my board games… If I am going to sleeve a deck, that means it’s been played a few times at least and I’m pretty satisfied with the build. Or, if it’s Keyforge, it’s been in the top 2 in one of our home tournaments or just has an awesome name which is half the reason to play a deck. In searching for really good sleeves, I found these: Ryker clear matte. Seem normal right? Nope. They have a slippery side and a rough side which I had never seen before. The face of the card goes on the smooth side and you can tell easily if cards are on the wrong side when you shuffle due to the rough side. For Keyforge, you can face your ‘home’ card making it very easy to find if you shffle it into your deck just by FEELS. Highly recommended.

Since all the cons are cancelled, it opens up ops for new cons

Like I said in a previous post about Gencon cancelling, this opens the door for new cons to spring up that are more nimble and maybe actually looking at the C-19 data from the CDC? And here is the first– Appleton, WI. Not sure on the date– will be based on the virus (a non factor pretty soon here it looks like) and local ordinances for health and safety. Get that cash up inside there! Thanks for the tip off SHINE.


1000 posts – RPG relinks!

Well holy crap I have 1000 posts on this blog. It’s over 10 years old now. I think I have three regular readers!

Here’s a bunch of posts that I found interesting or silly enough to relink here. There’s been so many updates to WordPress that many of these I can’t even edit properly anymore!

RPG Gaming

2009 – the year of ultra-complex RPG’s – This (and what came before) created the need for the OSR and, by extension, simplified story games. You could almost call this the Pathfinder/Exalted diaspora.

A poem about Runequest – probably my favorite post on this site.

A 13th Age Adventure – Not great, not terrible!

WFRP using Mythras – a useful article to start.

Lamentations of the Flame Princess Pocketmod character sheet. – I put a lot of time into this and we really haven’t played much since.

Forgotten Realms- something to be made fun of.

Gladiators – Runequest Style

Pathfinder -the final session

Carolina Death Crawl AAR

Early excitement for Exalted 3rd edition…. ….

Parent’s basement finds – I love these types of posts.