After a pretty long wait, backers got an email from CMON about the OTHERS, which is a game by the design team that brought you such games as BLOOD RAGE (my pick for 2015’s best board game by FAR). It’s a big game with a lot of miniatures as is CMON’s purview. It’s been a bit late, but like Blood Rage, not terribly so. The game is apparently on the boats from the China manufacturers as we sit here. With Blood Rage, I actually TRACKED the boats coming in as I was peeved that I did not pick up a second copy at GENCON and had to wait months to actually play it. I was overly excited and Blood Rage, as many of you know because I’ve made nearly everyone play it, was worth the wait.
The Others I just can’t tell yet how great it will be, but fuck…while I was amazed at the Blood Rage kickstarter and vast amount of stuff you get– the OTHERS is ridiculous. I couldn’t afford to get all the add ons either. And where would I put them? The boxes do look great though…
The (addon) good guys.
I’m a huge sucker for Adrian Smith’s art. Look at that shit!
Got in a good shooting yesterday with the Scavengers scenario. Matt had a brand new Eschers gang vs my dead-hard Cawdor (with 4 games under their belt) and it was a bit of a slaughter, though in the end, both gangs had to start taking bottle tests which was surprising. The core issue was that the Eschers were full on close combat, and they had to move across some areas where they got shot up bad. Also, I had some crazy lucky rolling throughout the whole game.
Matt had the idea to use the Talisman cones (which are USELESS in Talisman) for the status of Overwatch, Running, etc. in Necromunda. I’m going to pull those things out and throw them in next game.
The new weapon from the community rules I hadn’t experienced before was the heavy flamer. That thing is super beast.
This is an excellent interview with Rick Priestley on the inception of Warhammer and 40K and those two big beautiful books from the 80’s that I still pour over from time to time (3rd edition Warhammer and 1st edition 40K that is).
With the release of Gates of Antares, which does not have the amazing aesthetic that 40K does (what with Jes Goodwin and John Blanche), we have Priestley’s seminal rule set for sci-fi gaming.
Good Quotes:
“The fact that the Space Marines were lauded as heroes within Games Workshop always amused me, because they’re brutal, but they’re also completely self-deceiving. The whole idea of the Emperor is that you don’t know whether he’s alive or dead. The whole Imperium might be running on superstition. There’s no guarantee that the Emperor is anything other than a corpse with a residual mental ability to direct spacecraft.
“It’s got some parallels with religious beliefs and principles, and I think a lot of that got missed and overwritten.”
And this:
“When you’re doing something something as wacky as a huge toy soldier game with goblins, it can be a bit of a tough sell. But when people can see how glorious it is, see the beautifully painted armies and all these people hooting and hollering and rolling dice, it gives you an instant idea of how much fun it is.”
And finally:
“The studio, the creative part of Games Workshop, had always been kept apart from the sales part of it. One thing Bryan said was that if the sales people got to be in charge of the studio, it would destroy the studio, and that’s exactly what happened.”
I took the 2015 Community PDF’s for Necromunda, slapped them together, threw on a front and back cover and a few weeks later here’s the book. It took about 45 minutes to make and the rest was waiting for the mails.
It’s not perfect, the text starts too low on the page, but nothing cuts off and the print reads perfectly. I went for color because the community added rules and addendums are colored red throughout the text, and this is essential for plucking out the changes where you think you know the rules. This ran about 30$ plus shipping, so it wasn’t cheap, but now I can abuse this when we play rather than my actual books or shitty photocopies of the community edition with their goddamn staples falling out.
Back cover, I know it’s not exactly Necromunda but you gotta love the bolter bitches!Interior with color.
Wow. I was thinking of dusting off the old Necromunda stuff for some holiday destruction in the underhive (not for nostalgia’s sake, but because it’s a great game that should be played!) and lo and behold not only are the rumors of Games Workshop’s Specialist Games returning true, but the newest rumor is that Necromunda is going to be the first on the slab for a remake/re release.
Killing the Delaques– always a good plan.
Stuff I think they should update:
Make ‘hero’ characters have detailed advancement and have ‘gangers’ have simplistic advancement. This is just like Mordheim/Legends of the Old West and cuts down on the TON of book work between Necromunda games.
Add Vehicles. I was REAL sad that Gorkamorka was about Orks and not an expansion for Necromunda that added the Mad Max shit. Gorkamorka is a good game, but they missed the boat there. They could have had a space hulk with Orks on it crash into Necromunda if they wanted to add the Orks into a Necromunda vehicle expansion, but yeah.. odd decision that.
Two girl factions/ girls in the other gangs. It was odd that all the gangers are dudes in all factions except the beautifully sculpted (and fun to play) Eschers.
Let me use my old Miniatures. Just like Blood Bowl, I don’t mind changes on a team and new minis and will buy them, but if I have painted gangs of Necromunda, I want to be able to play them.
Better Spyrer models. I have all the Spyrers, and they look like ass pretty much except for the Malcadons.
Vehicles? Did I say that already? Yeah.
So– I’m pumped for this. It will probably be out in a few years at the earliest but it’s great news, especially after this Age of Sigmar dreck.
Otherwise I’m taking a hard look at FROSTGRAVE from Osprey as something to replace the rather poorly designed Mordheim.
…and Blood Bowl was on the list of the four games Specialist with get to as well. That’s going to be a tough one since the fans are RABID about the rules, but needless to say with the quality of miniatures that GW has been putting out, that’s all they really need to do.
Continuing plowing through a bunch of boxes of stuff, in addition to AT-43, I have a largish Necromunda collection squirreled away, apparently on the hopes that it will get someday played again. That said, back in the mid-90’s we really got into Necromunda (or so we thought), playing 20+ games with the gangs on an old Ping Pong table set up in our tiny 3rd floor apartment. As a any good Arbitrator, I desktop published a one-sheet after each week of games. The name of the the ‘village’ the gangs were fighting over was “Poop Town” which for years had lived in peace due to pretending there was a plague outbreak were now (in 1996) plagued with Underhive gangs! If I remember correctly we had Orlocks, Van Saar, Delaques, Cawdor, and the Goliaths. I have gang sets for all of these as well as a ton of Eschers (thanks mouth), plus Spyrers and even Arbiters.
Pooptown Gazette!
Small blurbs had the following titles:
“Escher not raped by Cawdors” – Any time there is an all-woman gang and members get captured, it begs the question, what is happening to them right now? Since the Cawdors are ‘redemptionists’ they apparently have no interest in sexy female underhive residents with guns.
“Van Saar Deficates” – Since the Van Saar leader was taken out in the first turn of the game vs the Delaques, I decided it must have been while he was going to the loo.
The newsletter included advertisements for local brothels and a lot of phrases about hating the Delaque gang; the “G-Dawgs” which were played by Duvall. A lot of the stuff referenced the players could interact with in certain ways if they asked about it.
My only painted gang!
Frankly, these skirmish ‘grow your warband’ type of games are my favorite miniatures games. Starting with Chaos Warbands in college, then to Confrontation (the GW game that came out in White Dwarf) then on to Necromunda, Mordhiem and finally Legends of the Old West, which I have collected a ton of stuff for, but have yet to play the main issue being that you need more terrain than miniatures to make it interesting.
Necromunda is no doubt a great game and show the strength of the 40K 2nd Edition rules (that also went on to handle Gorkamorka). People can scream “Hero hammer!” from the rooftops, but that’s just what the core 40K evolved into.
And more ridiculousness. I have a big box of Man O’ War miniatures, rules and chits and have never actually played it. Got it for pretty cheap many years ago. You can see the fleets, I think it’s Empire, Elves and Nurgle with a bunch of sea monsters and flyers mixed in.
Man o War crazyDetail of some of the models.
They’ve definitely been well cared for since I got them, EXCEPT, again that I’ve never played it. I think I snapped up the deal on account of some of my college friends cutting up and painting pieces of wood to represent ships just in order to play. The game (in 1993 or so) was just that good.
Along with my normal house stuff like clothes and books (so many books), I had to pack up and move a shitload of games and gaming related materials. I have… a lot of gaming stuffs, some of which I haven’t physically seen in years. It’s a bit ridiculous really.
The first thing I did was drag a bunch of old World of Darkness books to sell them. I kept the core Vampire and Werewolf books for nostalgia, but for some reason I had a ton of those books and we played maybe once–and it sucked. Owning these was likely due to RAGE and JYHAD fandom for the most part.
Speaking of which, I have a massive Shadowfist collection (for good reason), but I also have a massive VTES and Jyhad collection, large amounts of RAGE, On the Edge, Blood Wars and still have my tiny MTG collection (most of it) from back in the day. With Netrunner, I really can’t see playing any 2-player CCG’s other than that, yet it’s difficult to part with a mere stack of Legends of the Burning Sands or Legends of the Five Rings cards let alone a massive set like VTES— I just don’t know why: we no longer play these games.
I did find some stuff that I forgot I had, or forgot how MUCH.
a LOT of AT-43 stuff.Therians…Red Blokand a fuckton of UNA.First set of Terminators in the box all painted!Pretty good for fucking high school!