A big ha ha haunted house

Zzarchov Kowalski in the preface to his work-in-progress module “the price of evil”:

This adventure toolkit presumes you want to have a game
(or series of games) where the players attempt to survive
and solve a haunted house without resorting to arson. I
understand that is a big if as there is something satisfying
about the moment when the players around the table look
at one another and silently vote that the time for interacting
with the horror filled creation of your imagination has
ended and the time for fire has begun.

EDIT: I forgot to put a link to where you can buy this module.  If you have seen/ read Scenic Dunsmouth, you will have some idea of what Kowalski is shooting for with this one.


Oh yeah

No posts for a bit as I was moving and had no internet but should be back in the swing of things now.  My new place actually has room to game in.

Other than FALLOUT 4, recently I got into a game of Epic Armageddon with Lord Lobo and it was pretty great.  We are fighting small battles with only a couple titans on each side– and that’s not very EPIC is it?  I have a fairly large Space Marine army with a ton of titans and even a thunderhawk gunship (an awesome model) which has got to be the most annoying unit for any enemy of the space marines–it’s got big ass guns, flies around and can drop a fuckload of terminators anywhere on the battlefield.  So, what we need to do is put EVERYTHING on the table and have a fuckall EPIC dust up.

I’ll post more pictures of that when I get a spot of time.  In it’s stead is going to be the obligatory haven’t-posted-jack-shit-in-awhile hottie.


Pit People!

Fresh on the heels of my son deleting all of his Castle Crasher characters I wanted to post the next BEHEMOTH game– which looks like their version of Disgaea!

Behold!  (note if you finished Battle Block Theatre you’ll notice that this takes place directly after the ending… whatever happened to Hattie at the end triggered this…)

Gamehole Con!

Matt and I made the trek to Gamehole Con yesterday in Madison, WI and it was a fine time.  Due to no planning on my part, we didn’t get into any scheduled games, like the bolt action tournament or any of the 5E or other OSR RPG games. However, for me this was just a ‘check out’ year to see what it was all about, so walked around and painted stuff and I busted out BLOOD RAGE and got a few games of that in.


It is not a huge con, maybe twice the size of say Plattcon or Hooplacon.  Yet it is a huge OSR con–there were tons of Dungeon Crawl Classics, Swords and Wizardry and other OSR stuff going on.  If you count 5E as in the OSR style, the entire con was mostly OSR RPG’s.  Absolutely there were Pathfinder games there, but they were in the minority.

We spent about 3 hours at the free painting table where I found an old Talisman Rogue and just had to paint the fucker.  They had BOTH of the Kevin Dallimore painting books there was well, so I was able to pour over those.  Matt got stuck on painting some sort of samurai and though he spent awhile on it, it was still not finished.  The lady that runs it had a ton of great tips so highly recommended.

Matt about to explain why he had already lost the 5 player Blood Rage game.
Matt about to explain why he had already lost the 5 player Blood Rage game.

Stuff I saw:

  • Tom Wham.  He was running Feudality and Dragon Lairds at the con.
  • Lots of Bolt Action.  The tournament brought at least 20 people playing. I should have brought my shit… (and painted it beforehand…)
  • Rob Heinsoo.  One of the designers of 13th Age.  He was running a game that we didn’t get into– needless to say it was sold out months ago.
  • One really fucking hot girl.  No joke.

Otherwise it was extremely well run and organized. They really have their shit together and I will be definitely attending again.  Likely I will run something next year as well.

“Yes, but you didn’t!” – the failed redesign of Stunts in Exalted 3rd edition

Exalted 3rd edition is out in PDF form to backers and all over the internets for everyone else. It’s being poured over by fans of the game as well as people that were inspired by 2nd editions mess to make other games because the older systems were so fucked up–yet some things were platinum awesome about it. I’ve got a long post coming about the new version, but today I want to blather about the failure of the game to address one of the terrible problems with Stunting in the old edition and it’s not what you think–mote retrieval for stunting– but something fundamentally worse:

If the dice say it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen.

Exalted stunting works like this: You say what you are going to try to do and if excites people at the table and titillates the GM, you will get bonus dice or bonus successes on the subsequent roll. In theory, this seems like it will work well: players describe what they hope their character will do and it leads to descriptive flair at the table. However, in actual play it works like this:

  1. Players tire of it. Combats are long and Exalted combats are the longest there is (in 2nd edition) in RPG gaming. Creative juices break down after awhile and stunts become impossible to really impress. Out of sympathy, the GM will start awarding 2 dice stunts on everything partially to help the players stay interested and partially to keep the fucking game going in session long combats. Players also complain a lot if their stunts don’t get ‘accepted’ so it’s easier to let them have the fucking dice. I’ve been this GM.
  2. Since the stunt description happens before the roll, the stunt itself can be a botch or a failure and this grand description that everyone now has floating on their minds DOES NOT HAPPEN. This leads faster to point 1 above– players throwing in the towel on stunting and phoning it in for the rest of the combat session.
  3. Because descriptions of stunts are before the roll of the dice, even when the attack and stunt fails, players may cognitively remember that that stunt actually HAPPENED in the game, even though all facts point that it did not. Players may need to be reminded at the next session about stunts that their characters failed the die roll for that they actually thought succeeded. This is terrible.

Stunting like this seemed cool back when it was done in Feng Shui and copied around to other games. Feng Shui 2 has fixed this problem while still incorporating stunts fully into the combat and chase systems. First, stunts happen AFTER dice are rolled when a big success happens to ask the GM for a special effect– not more damage, not anything completely defined by rules, but something that is decided at the table like punching a guy so hard (the punch HAPPENS because the dice say so first) that his limp body knocks down a row of motorcycles like dominoes and pisses off all the biker onlookers! Second, there is the option to ask for a special effect before dice are rolled, at which time the difficulty of the roll goes up– letting the player know that he is trying something that could more easily fail.  This is simple on paper and PLAYABLE.  Players aren’t going to get fucking bored off their ass because yet another 30 dice attack failed to even hit the big bad guy since he has seven shadows evasion every round…

Because Exalted is a min/max’ers, system junky style game with very little narrative freedom during fights (stunting always translates into raw mechanics) I guess they had no choice to make stunts like they did, but they were rubbish in play in 2nd Edition and not just because they gave motes back.

This beat

I’ve heard this on pandora a bunch but didn’t pay much attention to it, but then realized that THE BEAT IS SICKNESS ITSELF. And yes I’m man enough to like a song called “FALL IN LOVE.” I think.

Rebel Galaxy!

A few of the core members of Runic went off and made this while we were all still playing Torchlight 2.  Bad audio I know, but it gives you the FEEL of the game despite the incoherent babble:


It’s a lot like Privateer and you have to wonder if this small team was able to pull something like this off quickly, what will happen to STAR CITIZEN?