Warhammer inception interview with Rick Priestley

This is an excellent interview with Rick Priestley on the inception of Warhammer and 40K and those two big beautiful books from the 80’s that I still pour over from time to time (3rd edition Warhammer and 1st edition 40K that is).

With the release of Gates of Antares, which does not have the amazing aesthetic that 40K does (what with Jes Goodwin and John Blanche), we have Priestley’s seminal rule set for sci-fi gaming.

Good Quotes:

“The fact that the Space Marines were lauded as heroes within Games Workshop always amused me, because they’re brutal, but they’re also completely self-deceiving. The whole idea of the Emperor is that you don’t know whether he’s alive or dead. The whole Imperium might be running on superstition. There’s no guarantee that the Emperor is anything other than a corpse with a residual mental ability to direct spacecraft.

“It’s got some parallels with religious beliefs and principles, and I think a lot of that got missed and overwritten.”

And this:

“When you’re doing something something as wacky as a huge toy soldier game with goblins, it can be a bit of a tough sell. But when people can see how glorious it is, see the beautifully painted armies and all these people hooting and hollering and rolling dice, it gives you an instant idea of how much fun it is.”

And finally:

“The studio, the creative part of Games Workshop, had always been kept apart from the sales part of it. One thing Bryan said was that if the sales people got to be in charge of the studio, it would destroy the studio, and that’s exactly what happened.”

Necromunda community edition book

I took the 2015 Community PDF’s for Necromunda, slapped them together, threw on a front and back cover and a few weeks later here’s the book.  It took about 45 minutes to make and the rest was waiting for the mails.


It’s not perfect, the text starts too low on the page, but nothing cuts off and the print reads perfectly.  I went for color because the community added rules and addendums are colored red throughout the text, and this is essential for plucking out the changes where  you think you know the rules.  This ran about 30$ plus shipping, so it wasn’t cheap, but now I can abuse this when we play rather than my actual books or shitty photocopies of the community edition with their goddamn staples falling out.

Back cover, I know it's not exactly Necromunda but you gotta love the bolter bitches!
Back cover, I know it’s not exactly Necromunda but you gotta love the bolter bitches!
Interior with color.
Interior with color.


After 19 years, it hit the table again.  Read that again– 19 years.  I found a penny in one of the Necromunda boxes that was shiny new– from 1996.  It’s amazing that:

  1. This hasn’t been played forever
  2. I still have all this stuff and it hasn’t been destroyed somehow
  3. it’s in pretty good shape
  4. and I remember the exact point when we stopped playing it and I packed up the hive terrain from the ping pong/gaming table for good wonder if that would be the last time we played and it was.

Enough reminiscing.  We played for about 10 hours yesterday, with breaks for lunch and dinner, but only got in about 3-4 games per player– so i’m not of the mind Necromunda is a short game any more– it can take a long time.  I would really not recommend more than 2 games in a day as it’s just too much to process and plan between games in addition to the shootings themselves.

Set up of all the terrain. Luckily I had enough bulkheads!
Set up of all the terrain. Luckily I had enough bulkheads!

Since I had them painted, I played as the Cawdors again.  The models are OK, but unfortunately the Cawdors are a bit of a close combat gang– and none of the ganger models have close combat weapons!

Here is my initial buy for the Transanal Eviceration gang.

  • Leader with Chainsword, bolt pistol and frag grenades.
  • Heavy with Heavy Stubber
  • Heavy with Flamer
  • 2 Juves with Autopistols (and knives)
  • Ganger with Shotgun (manstopper, scatter, solid)
  • Ganger with Lasgun
  • Ganger with 2 autopistols and frag grenades
  • 2 Gangers with Autoguns

This gives you 5 gangers to harvest your territories, a leader who can hammer in close combat and a second back up close combat guy, along with a lot of stuff to flush people out of cover (frag grenades, flamer, shotgun).  While I do believe the heavy stubber sucks, it’s only 120 points, can shoot across the whole board, and you will get a lucky roll from time to time to make it worthwhile.  No one has armor, so don’t bother with the heavy bolter until later.  The flamer is amazing (but we forgot that it requires an ammo roll after every shot…).

Lasguns are the most boring weapon in the warhammer universe, but they are super reliable and shoot far.  Autoguns are nearly as good with their +1 to hit at close range, but they go out of action far easier.

My territories were crap, but I did get Vents which lets you place guys around the board after set up– yet I NEVER remembered to use it.

In the four games, overall my leader had the most ‘kills’ with the flamer heavy second most.  The leader was able to get into close combat with a bunch of enemies in two games and tore them up (except for a lucky juve) and that’s because of the chainsword. Swords are cheap and allow parrys, which cut down on some of the swingy rolls your enemy might have against you. Well worthwhile.

There were three other gangs getting on on the good shootings:

Hate Boat– a Delaque gang of unpainted (but primed) minis

Vaginal Force 1 – Eschers (obviously)

The Crustables – a Van Saar gang represented by the excellent and drool worthy miniatures from the new Dark Millenium 40K box set. If you have any interest in Necromunda, these are definitely worth picking up.  They would do in a pinch for any gang, but would especially fit as Cawdors with their masks.

The first game was the Hate Boat vs the Crustables and I’ll admit that my grip on the rules was loose.  Things were going against the Hate Boat after the Crustables got into good shooting position far above their cover and they got to explore the falling rules fully. Hate Boat had to make multiple bottle rolls, but in the end it was Crustables that bottled out on their first roll!

Lots of guys having a lie down.
Lots of guys having a lie down.

My first game was being ambushed by the Crustables, a fitting beginning for Transanal.  Luckily, I was able to position a few groups of my gangers to ambush the Crustables.  After a few turns it was obvious that the Crustables ambush was turning into a bloodbath, with 3-4 gang members on each side out of action, including the Crustable’s leader who had been burned by a flamer. After a turn or 2 more, the Crustable’s bottled out and ran for the vents.

Ambushed! note the mix of AT-43 and 40K terrain.

My heavy about to get beaten down-- cause he can't hit with that stubber!

My heavy about to get beaten down– cause he can’t hit with that stubber!

Couple things to remember about Necromunda that I had forgotten.  First your gangers aren’t the bravest and will run away pretty quick when things go south nearby. Second, shooting into cover is pretty difficult.  You can start to have to take bottle checks when a mere 2-3 of your guys are out of action.

The Crustables gang leader crawling through a pool of his own blood and urea after getting hit with a flamer.
The Crustables gang leader crawling through a pool of his own blood and urea after getting hit with a flamer.

A good time for sure and a game that should probably be played a bit more than once in 20 years.

Feng Shui 2: first play

fengheaderLast week we got in on some Feng Shui 2 action and it was pretty good.  Our heroes included a Killer, an Average Joe (aptly named John D.), a Private Eye, a Scrappy Kid (inadvertent Hit-Girl clone named XBat) and a Driver who had amnesia.

After everyone picked their archetype and wrote their melodramtic hook, it was off to the races.  The characters were all on a drunk bus headed back to the JW Marriot in Hong Kong when the driver took a detour to a warehouse where other buses of people were being unloaded onto bigger buses by Triads with lots of guns.   The Killer wasn’t having that, and the bloodbath ensued.  The fight involved the Killer and Driver characters destroying dozens of mooks between them, while the other characters took down a gaggle of named bad guys, mostly hired guns by the Triad.  Needless to say, the rest of the passengers didn’t fare too well, most being blown away in the crossfire.  One of the bad guys cheesed it (who would reappear later).  Most of the characters were unscathed, but the Killer took quite a few bullets and wasn’t in the best of shape coming out of it.  Between sessions characters heal up 100%, but between fights, characters have the option to drop their Toughness by 1 to reduce their wound level by 10.  Since our Killer had a death wish as his hook, he wasn’t having that either.

After the first fight, the characters found out where the large buses were going and faked their way in to a railway depot where the people on buses were loaded on to train cars!  This did not make them happy.   The Killer went into what looked like an office to talk to the head guys and faked his way pretty well until the bad guy that cheesed it before showed up and blew his cover.  Luckily the Driver was able to bust into the depot with another Mook-destroying car.

This fight was a bit more serious, with mooks constantly showing up and another gaggle of named characters– plus one really pissed off sorcerer!  The sorcerer blew the Killer away and he failed his first up check.   Next the Everyday hero went down in a hail of bullets.   The Private Eye, Scrappy Kid and Driver avenged them by downing the sorcerer before she could cheese it out of there as well as destroying the rest of the named characters.  Without the Killer though, the swarms of mooks presented a problem.


As the Everyday Hero and Killer passed into the afterlife (both failing death checks) the remaining characters noticed that while they were destroying the sorcerer and her goons, the rail cars had gotten away!  What will happen next?


Feng Shui 2 cleans up a lot of the dreck from Feng Shui 1, dreck players didn’t even notice when we last played in 1997, but yeah, it was there.  Before we played, I found a folder with all the old characters and thought: “oh I’ll convert these!” but there was no need, the only thing you need is a name and a melodramatic hook and the archtype is good to go.

While there’s a lot less ticky tacky stuff to the characters, and this simplicity makes the game even more playable, they did add a new DEFENSE statistic that splits how good a character is at HITTING from how good they are at not BEING HIT.   This was an issue in Feng Shui 1 where the AV was ALL THINGS and it got pretty boring when pretty much everything was one stat (we didn’t play long enough back in the day to figure this out though).   Certain characters hit really hard sometimes, but can’t dodge attacks well and others, like the aforementioned Scrappy Kid, can’t dish a lot of damage but rarely get hit.   While there aren’t a lot of stats to differentiate characters, FS2 has archtypes that all feel very different from each other.  There are quite a few ‘GUNS’ characters and in this session we had three– the Driver, the Killer and the Private Eye, yet none of them felt samey.  Each of them had different stuff they did in fights and felt different to the players I’m sure.

That said, characters in this version have nearly zero options when they select an archtype and I see this as a good thing, while your 4E and Pathfinder players may not.  Get started quick, invest little and get some cool tricks if your character survives.  There are a few archtype options though, and it’s also possible with some of the archtypes to rework them nearly completely if you are an experienced player, especially the martial artist and supernatural creature types.   Fundamentally though you don’t want to waste time on that type of jiggering until after the characters have made it through a few sessions at least.

Lastly, and I’ll post more when we have another session, is how much I liked the Up-check /Mark of Death system.   Basically characters have to test if you can keep going when you hit a certain number of wounds.  If you pass the check you can voluntarily bow out with only one ‘mark of death’, or keep going, possibly having to take more checks.  With each up-check you have to take, you have to take a death check at the end of the fight with a better chance of your character taking the dirt nap the more marks of death you got.  We had two characters get smoked this session, which I think is a bit of a rarity, but since the villains they were facing were out to kill (and let’s face it, what Hong Kong style villain isn’t?) and both characters took tons of bullets into their bodies, it was likely inevitable at least one would go down.  Having a boss-level villain in one of the fights was also a key contributor.

Steam Xmas Sale 2015

Obligatory posts on the WALLET RAPE that steam provides.  My goal is to purchase only a single game per day that is under or around 5$.  So if I go 6$ on one day, I have to go lower than 5$ the next.  Since my wishlist is now over 80 items, I don’t even remember most of the stuff that’s on there, and in some cases WHY it’s on there.  However, it’s much better to make drunk Steam wishlist additions than drunk Amazon or Steam PURCHASES.


Yesterday’s purchase, while sober, was CHROMA SQUAD which is a turn based power ranger spoof.  I’ve had my eye on it for awhile and just had to do it at the price.  I haven’t fired it up yet, but it looks pretty BOSS.

Today I’m mulling over a lot of possibilities, but pretty much have to go with LISA.


We’ll see what 5$ can get tomorrow!

Yeah, I’m off for XMAS

Xmas is the absolute worst time of the year to take a couple weeks off work, but fuck it, here it is.  Today is my second day off.

I saw STAR WARS a couple of times so far and yep, it’s great.  Worth the hype and I can’t wait for the next one.  Pulp fantasy /sci fi and let’s hope it ushers in a WAVE of cheesy clones like it did in the 70’s and 80’s a la MESSAGE FROM SPACE and STARCRASH.


I broke down and backed this fucker after saying NO MORE kickstarters.   While I’m not an anime freak and am certainly not all that into the whole schoolgirl ninja thing,  after reading the rules and how this plays, it seems like a lighter, shorter TENRA BANSHO ZERO.  From the description, it can be played in an evening on say a board game night as a one shot– and I’m all about the one shots.  I can do the Ninja school girl thing for a one shot!  As soon as I get the playtest/beta test packet, we’re playing this fucker.


Over this holiday, if I get any time to myself at all, I’m going to finish up my random equipment tables for Lamentations of the Flame Princess.  I finished a draft of the fighter table last week and worked a smidge on the cleric.  Whether anyone else uses them,  it will speed up play for us a lot ditching the shopping mess during char gen.



Tonight is my first go at Feng Shui 2.  I haven’t run a game since 1997 so let’s see how it goes.  They fixed a lot of the annoying stuff in FS2 and while I think the backstory and fluff have gotten weaker, the rules are a lot better.


The above pic is from a Polish RPG called Degenesis.  It’s a horrifying post-apocalyptic world where earth is basically fucked forever.  I’ve been really impressed with the art and there are two excellent trailer videos for it as well.  Lookee here.

Necromunda rumored to be the first Specialist Games project

Wow. I was thinking of dusting off the old Necromunda stuff for some holiday destruction in the underhive (not for nostalgia’s sake, but because it’s a great game that should be played!) and lo and behold not only are the rumors of Games Workshop’s Specialist Games returning true, but the newest rumor is that Necromunda is going to be the first on the slab for a remake/re release.

Killing the Delaques– always a good plan.

Stuff I think they should update:

  • Make ‘hero’ characters have detailed advancement and have ‘gangers’ have simplistic advancement. This is just like Mordheim/Legends of the Old West and cuts down on the TON of book work between Necromunda games.
  • Add Vehicles. I was REAL sad that Gorkamorka was about Orks and not an expansion for Necromunda that added the Mad Max shit. Gorkamorka is a good game, but they missed the boat there. They could have had a space hulk with Orks on it crash into Necromunda if they wanted to add the Orks into a Necromunda vehicle expansion, but yeah.. odd decision that.
  • Two girl factions/ girls in the other gangs. It was odd that all the gangers are dudes in all factions except the beautifully sculpted (and fun to play) Eschers.
  • Let me use my old Miniatures. Just like Blood Bowl, I don’t mind changes on a team and new minis and will buy them, but if I have painted gangs of Necromunda, I want to be able to play them.
  • Better Spyrer models.  I have all the Spyrers, and they look like ass pretty much except for the Malcadons.
  • Vehicles? Did I say that already? Yeah.

So– I’m pumped for this. It will probably be out in a few years at the earliest but it’s great news, especially after this Age of Sigmar dreck.

Otherwise I’m taking a hard look at FROSTGRAVE from Osprey as something to replace the rather poorly designed Mordheim.

…and Blood Bowl was on the list of the four games Specialist with get to as well. That’s going to be a tough one since the fans are RABID about the rules, but needless to say with the quality of miniatures that GW has been putting out, that’s all they really need to do.
