4 player D3 Beta Hardcore run

I have to spoil it for everyone– no one died!  For sure after this night there’s no possible way to deny the power D3 will wield over peoples across the lands; there are some confusing design choices (noted in the video again and again) but overall: fantastic.  24:26 pretty much sums up my emotions around the beta.

Lead Painter’s League Season 6

We all see the golden demon and all the GW stuff, Warmachine stuff, etc.  Lead Painter’s League has a painting competition that includes everything from just about every category– and it’s just great to see bare breasted amazons painted up next to non-Warmachine/40K mechs, plus all the glorious historicals.   Check out round 2 here.

And the obligatory picture:

Well crap, Winter’s over…

We went from the best snow we’ve had all season to NO snow in less than 6 hours here Tuesday and today it was 60 again–so there went any chance of snowboarding until next December without a 6+ hour drive.

That said, I did get some runs in here and there and went four times. Mostly, the snow was an icesheet barely covered by the machine made, graded snow from the night before, but there were two days where the snow was in the “OK for here” zone.

This was my year to go off some jumps and do some funboxes.  Failed.  I went off one jump and crashed and slammed my knees on the first funbox I tried.  So, yeah– next  year when hopefully Jack Frost won’t be such a cunter.

Awesome RPG initiative system

the game looks to be the tits.

The new Marvel RPG is all the rage this week and it’s only out in PDF format so far. It’s very Fate-like, except it uses a bunch of the funny dice like D&D and is very abstract where stuff like Champions/Hero (and Exalted) are very precise and crunchy. While I find it completely impossible to imagine running an actual superhero RPG with my group, I like reading about the systems. I’m a bit of a Systems Addict actually so I stumble upon stuff of variable usefulness. Yesterday my stumbling came across a post about the Marvel RPG initiative system by one of the FATE creators, and apotheosis followed.

Initiative is a tough nut to crack in pen and paper RPG’s because of turn angst.  Ideally you want something that rewards players who have spent some sort of resource for their speed, whether it’s in items or their character build or even gotten a good die roll, but as RPG’s have moved towards characters taking ‘actions’ or a ‘scene’ or in Marvel’s case: a ‘panel,’ rather than attacks (with or without the stunts we so love now since Feng Shui) you don’t want some characters dominating the combat scenarios by getting to take a turn more than other player’s characters because then those people without fast characters just sit there… and sit there.

This has typically been solved, unsatisfactorily in my opinion, by a ’round the table’ method where everyone rolls a die, maybe modified, and gets to go in that order, or someone on the player side goes first, then it goes around the table with the GM going last.   In contrast to this method is the tick-based systems of Exalted and Champions, where a character’s actions determine how long it is until they can take another action.  While this is the most realistic of the systems and fun when all the players (not necessarily the NPC’s) have the same action counts, woe is it to be the archer or a player with a high tick attack action– because you sit there waiting and waiting to take an action, only to take one and have to wait and wait again.  While the tick systems are the most tactically deep, in practice, when you have outliers like someone too fast or too slow, it breaks down in play (i.e.: don’t play an archer in Exalted)

As this post discusses, the new Marvel RPG has a hand off mechanic where the player or NPC that takes and action gets to choose who the next actor in a fight is and this is simple and downright brilliant.  There is tactical depth, the ability to team up attacks, the ability to out-manuver your opponents by making them take their turn before they want to, etc.   What’s more, this could easily be tacked on to ALL non-tick-based initiative systems and looks to work just as well for social or physical conflicts.  Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay? Yes.  FATE (Dresden, Bulldogs, Anglerre) in all the incarnations I know of?  Yes.  Even in OD&D this could work.  Sure, some skills players have in each RPG may not work with this in some systems, but they could simply be adjusted since the ‘actor’s choice’ mechanic is so simple.

Hey! I’ve now got a good reason not to buy Bioshock Infinite…

…other than because the end of Bioshock and Bioshocked 2 sucked.   The inclusion of a robot George Washington put the final nail in that coffin for me.  Other than looking  insipidly steampunk stupid, it’s NOT a fitting testament to the one single person in American history that made all of this possible– i.e.: that we aren’t serfs to some milksop douche with peerage from an American crown.  So you make a robot of the one good guy in American history that you have to shoot?  Stupid cunts.


The new xcom is looking all sorts of awesome, but don’t take my word for it!  The developers have been doing a mess of interviews these days on why and how they are developing the game.  It’s homage as well as pushing the genre itself forward.  Like Fighting games, we have had a huge resurgence of the genre due to Street Fighter IV and here’s hoping a similar thing happens with turn based tactical games.  The days of Jagged Alliance and Temple of Elemental Evil being AA titles is long gone, but the craving is still there for something that isn’t indy, but isn’t AAA either.

I picked up both the first XCOM and XCOM: Apocalypse (my favorite in the series) off steam to give them a run through again in the next couple weeks.  Though these stand the test of time pretty well, with the new game they may no longer NEED to.