With the arrival of the Cosmic Encounter expansion and with my stout-hearted board gaming group in tow, we started what will end up being a year long Cosmic Encounter campaign I have dubbed the COSMIC ANNIHILATION!!! The plan is quite simple:
- Play games of Cosmic Encounter – this is a no brainer, but we are going for 4 Planet, 4 bases FTW to keep the games shorter.
- After each game, Aliens that have lost are removed from campaign play and the winners continue.
- Flares of eliminated Aliens are still used in the game, but may not be selected at start of play. (we will have a Live deck of flares and an eliminated deck to fill in the quota)
The idea was that there are Aliens that few people play, either because there is too much text on their cards or they have been blackballed after a few losing games (Citadel), so to give every Alien a go, it was time for the COSMIC ANNIHILATION.
Game 1
Tripler, Leviathan, Bully(W)
Notes: Leviathan had the Lunar Canon (!) and got 1 planet away from the win, Bully had the Prometheus ship, both Bully and Tripler lost their powers at least once each.
Game 2
Mirror(W), Deuce, Amoeba.
Notes: Deuce gained zero planets and the Amoeba was destroyed almost completely while allying.
Annihilated Aliens
Deuce, Amoeba, Leviathan, Tripler