Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: First Session and random thoughts (feelings?!)

1981. You had a wank to this image.

Supers RPG Games.  What can I say about them briefly?  They are a guilty pleasure at best and at worst a one shot farce where people make characters that are walking beer mugs named Mr. Frothy.  Over the long years I’ve run the Hero System, TMNT and Champions and while they didn’t totally suck (TMNT, embarrassingly  was probably the best in play), each had their quirks.  The Hero system has a lot of “Math.”  Champions took forever to make a character build (our first experience with a points buy as kids) and the fights took a long, long time.   Even for us children, they were fun dalliances from the serious stuff like D&D and Call of Cthulhu (and Gamma World)–not the stuff of a long campaign.  Once the cynicism of the late 80’s set in along with Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, there was no going back to the genre. A Supers games was all fighting: there wasn’t much narrative other than punch the shit out of some Viper agents and take down Armadillo with a RKA before he has a chance to act.  While fun, the other factor was that your character didn’t build up with experience– they came out of the womb about as powerful as they were going to get.  I think very very few sessions of Supers games were played for these reasons, but we did spend much more time making characters.  Somewhere I have a pile of moulding character sheets for Champions with all the Xmen, Rom the Spaceknight and probably ridiculous characters like Devil Dinosaur and Kamandi (the last boy on earth you know).  This is where time was spent on these games, not the play itself.

However, in the last 20 years, two games hit the shelves that can only be described as Supers games: Feng Shui and Exalted.  in 2007, the capstone on the superhero genre hit the shelves in the form of Exalted 2nd Edition.  Think Exalted isn’t a supers game?  Look at it. Seriously.  While Exalted has it’s problems, some GLARING problems, the setting and the ability for a system to FEEL like you are playing an uber powered individual with nuanced power sets really put everything else I had played before back on the shelves (including Feng Shui). Everything in the “Supers” genre, from ICONS to Kerberos Club to the new Marvel Heroic Roleplaying is trying to capture that magic that Exalted brought to the table while trying NOT to fall into the traps Exalted did from a system perspective.

That said, now we are older and have responsibilities other than finding a dark corner to beat off in or making sure we actually eat something other than funyons during a given Summer day spent in a dank basement.  There’s no time to make characters, there’s barely time to PLAY a game, much less know the rules to the extent Champions/Hero system requires. And let’s not even get into the whole Exalted 2nd edition complications.   So we turn to FATE-like games with a focus on narrative and player-fiat rather than system heavy simulation.  While it uses what’s called the Cortex system, MHR is, in essence, FATE with the D&D dice (and lots of them).  This is not a bad thing.

While I had read the MHR rules once through and skimmed them again right before play,  I must admit, I was largely unprepared for being the GM (Watcher).  I understood what the Doom pool was, how dice pools were made for actions, but had a good deal of fuzziness around the nuances rules.  Of course, the first scenario is about the best I’ve read in a Supers game– all full on combat with other super villains– an asston of them pouring down.  In fact ,there are so many that mobs of them show up as Mooks and you can spend dice from the Doom Pool to ‘power’ up some out of this huge list of D-grade villains like Scarecrow, Mentallo and Tiger Shark in the back of the book.  I planned on the entire session being combat, and oh yeah, it was.  While some players shudder at session-long combats, don’t let that throw you off– it went surprisingly fast for what it was–a MAJOR throw down.  Running four major super heroes (Thor, Iron Fist, Iron Man and Wolverine) vs seven+ supervillains including one A-lister in the form of Carnage his bad self actually worked.   Trying to run seven villains and all their powers at once in the first session of a new game seems totally insane– and at first it was, but characters don’t have a ton of powers that you can’t remember at all (like Exalted), so you’re not overwhelmed.  It’s what you do with those powers both in the narrative and with your dice that make the difference (again, remember this is FATE-like).   I fucked up a few times, sure, like using Living Laser’s LIMIT on his power set as a power (stupid me) and not quite doing Count Nefaria’s powers right…but compared to running 6-8 mere Dragon Blooded in Exalted, it was a total cakewalk as a GM.

Given that the core system is essentially FATE, I must comment on the change in dice in MHR from the Fudge ones.  Unlike FATE, you have a dice pool that you build from your character sheet, from resources and assets (like a tire iron you picked up, or a tank you are about to throw in the case of the Thing) or enemy consequences.  You roll these dice and select two for your ‘to hit’ roll and select one die for effect.  The effect die number showing has no meaning, just the size of the die.  Your opposition rolls against that ‘to hit’ number to dodge or block, building a pool in the same manner you did to hit and also selects and effect die and a ‘to hit’ roll.  Essentially whoever gets higher gets to fuck the other character up– the only difference is that the attacker gets to do so for free and the defender has to spend a Plot Point to apply his effect.  This means the dreaded WHIFF factor is nearly gone– if you miss, chances are you are going to take some damage in return.  Players thought the counterattack mechanism was overpowered, but really, what it comes down to is a roll off and whoever wins can hit– attacker for free but with no information (dice haven’t been rolled) the defender ‘at cost’  but with all the information (dice are already rolled).

Damage takes the form of a die type and is either a consequence (like being wrapped in cabling) or some form of Stress (like FATE).  So, if you have D10 damage, that’s not only a track to see how fucked you are, but bonus die your opposition gets to roll against you.  Once it’s over D12, you are out of the scene and take some real damage.  Damage can happen FAST.  In the first exchange, if Thor hadn’t had a Plot Point to invoke his invulnerable power, he would have been one-shotted by Living Laser. The heroes were one shotting villains all over the place– and some of these guys were plenty ‘ard.  Like FATE, when you are in combat, things HAPPEN.

The dice pool mechanic was pretty quickly picked up by the players but it must have been crazy for them in the first hour or so.  They were able to build their pools quickly throughout the game– though I think it wasn’t exactly correct because though you can use a die from each ‘section’ of your character sheet, that doesn’t mean you are legally allowed to.  For example if you were trying to punch someone, you can’t use a “criminal master” D10 for your free trait die– it just doesn’t make sense.   My only complaint is that I hate D4’s: hate rolling them, hate reading the numbers off and hate stepping on the fucking things late at night. Otherwise the dicepool works really well.  It’s not as fast as FATE, but it doesn’t take forever and seems to squeeze out narration.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about the powers in the game.  Powers are called ‘Power Sets’ that include all special effects and a limit.  Most characters have but one power set, but some have 2-3.   The special effects are things like: “Remove your Stress die to the doom pool and step up your next attack effect die by one rank” and really represent the player’s powers in the game.  The Limit is some condition that shuts down the power set (like Iron Man having his armor power shut down by an EMP).  These limits were tough to integrate during the first play– I just didn’t know if I was supposed to show them to the players or not.  You do not play with a GM screen and nothing is hidden from the players so I would assume they could just look on the enemy sheets.  Again, the number of powers and effects are manageable and it’s possible to run a shitload of NPC’s with no problem: something that cannot be said for ANY other Supers game I’ve played.

Ok…there are a few A-listers that are pretty cool…

In summary, the first session was chaotic but showed a lot of potential for the system.  I need to run the game again (and explain the rules better to the group) to see if players get bored of the system and all the dice or if it stays fresh.  Like most other Supers games, there isn’t really any reason to use or get experience points– but they are there and there is some leveling up, but for the stock Marvel characters– who cares?  In short, MHR really this blows away Champions and the Hero system because I could sit down and run the game with little to no prep, much like FATE. With practice, I could probably make up villains on the fly during play.   The issue, creatively, is I’m not sold on and RPG based around MARVEL, you can’t really make characters easily and while the system isn’t tied to the setting all that much, who on earth has the time to make an alternate setting?  That said I will run this fucker again, despite the fact that the main characters have underwear with them on it that your kids would wear and lunchboxes and toys from the 70’s and are pretty much played out story wise (I never noticed how fucking LAME wolverine’s ‘Japanese’ backstory really was– oh the 80’s…) but it would be nice to get off the generic Marvel heroes in the book (FF, Xmen and Avengers,with the only B-listers being Power Man and Iron Fist) and onto stuff like the Lesbian Space Adventures of Phyla-Vell or you know… something closer to EXALTED.

FATE Core kickstarter soon

Golden Gunman, Ting Ting and Silverback…l oops wrong system!

Set up to fund the art and get feedback, the FATE Core Kickstarter is a low amount (3K) and as soon as you get in on it you get a demo version of the system (with no art obviously) at any level.  If you’re interested in what they are doing with the system, you can throw a buck at it and get the goods.  The image shown as a teaser (a Robotic Gorilla, a KILLER-esque dude with pistols and a chick with a sword) screams Shadowfist/FENG SHUI to me, which is not a bad thing at all.  Since the core rules are likely to be quite generic, it’s going to be up to other systems designers to apply it to the worlds of fantasy and science fiction where needed.  Will this blow away some of the older versions of FATE?  For sure Dresden Files and Spirit of the Century will be dinosaurs BUT I think Kerberos Club (Strange FATE) and Bulldogs are still completely viable builds off the older versions.  Bulldogs because of it’s simplicity and clarity and Strange FATE because it totally hits ALL the numbers for a high-powered/super hero game with both the way powers are built and the tier levels (which let you replace a fate die with a D6 based on your tier compared to the opposition).  That said, the new FATE Core will probably push the developers of both of those games further into RPG bliss land.

I’ve had a good times with FATE the too few times I’ve run it–Dresden Files as well as the Atomic Robo beta.   The FATE system makes more complicated systems look WAY too complicated in comparison because FATE strips down everything to the minimum of what you need to run an RPG game without turning it into freeform madness or diceless chaos.  When I look at WFRP 3rd edition and the Marvel CORTEX system– I just see complexity over the top of what is essentially FATE.  Granted WFRP has all the neat stuff in the box and some really awesome ideas to it with the stances, action cards and party card, but CORTEX seems a bit too complicated for what it needs to be.  Exalted– well that’s a different beast entire…

Anyway here is the link to the kickstarter.

Atomic Robo beta session 1

While I don’t want to spoil any of the default adventure that will likely come with the game, I do want to babble at length about the first session of Atomic Robo.    We ended up with a group of 5 players (it was almost EIGHT) and it turned out to be a good number– even when the party got split a couple times it was still manageable.  With eight it would have been MADNESS.

Character Creation

This was SHOCKINGLY fast for any RPG game with 5 players.  We used the ‘no math’ version of character creation, and while people had a week or so to think of a concept, the work on the ground was minimal as some only had a name coming into the session.  Aspects are always tough to work out (but worth it) and stunts can just be added during play so that did not slow up much.  It’s difficult to make a stunt for players that have never played the game before as they typically break some sort of rule and when you don’t know the rules….

The only real confusion that may get worked out in the final is the Modes sharing skills that then get a bonus to the skill in the highest mode.   For example if you have a skill that’s shared in your Action and Intrigue mode, the mode with the highest rating has that skill within it getting a bonus of +1.  This, plus the pluses for skills during character creation on top of it, caused a great deal of erasing on the character sheets for everyone.  Players had to pick their modes, then find the skills that overlapped and bonus them, then add their bonus skill points on top.


Well, it’s FATE so you’re not going from room to room killing 66 Gnolls!  Smooth. That’s how I describe the sessions I’ve run of FATE and Atomic Robo was no exception.  Looking in the book for stuff? Almost never.  Players engaged?  Almost always.   Like I noted above, we had a party split two times and it can be handled handled easy on both ends because you are not looking up Grappling or obscure charm rules or building a dicepool for 5 minutes (a shot across Cortex’s bow there).  There’s always explanation about Aspects and invokes and compels and the new thing called ‘bonuses’ for new players of FATE and it can still be difficult for everyone to get until they see it in action.  The main economy driver, getting compelled as a player, is easy to understand so there wasn’t any issues there.  Using aspects in all the possible


There was only one fight so far and it seemed to go– fast!  Actually attacking is very easy in FATE without any stunts and even with stunts it’s quite simple.  Stunts in FATE are different than Stunts in Exalted or Feng Shui as it’s really just the word they use for a ‘Power’ of some kind.  Where it gets crazy for people from the D&D world is the “Create Advantage” and ‘Block’ actions in combat.  These are both very easy once figured out.  Creating advantage is essentially using a skill that you have that you THINK the enemy does not have a good defense against, not to do damage, but to create an Aspect, either on yourself, the enemy or the area you are in.    This aspect can later be used by you or someone else to ad bonuses to an attack that WILL do damage.   There are other narrative effects of Aspects as well– i.e. if you have stunts that can be used under water you better get your opponent in there somehow.  It’s all very fast and loose, but not at all to the level of say Amber diceless.   My favorite part about FATE combat are the ideas of Zones for movement and distance.  I think almost every good RPG is using that model now (including Marvel and WFRP 3rd).  This means maps, even 3d ones, can be easily created and used but in addition, it makes ‘no miniatures’ play very easy to do.


The best thing about the session was the brainstorming.  This is in a type of scenario where the characters are trying to figure out some type of problem presented in the plot.  Because it’s FATE– what the characters figure out turns out to BE the plot.   Each player rolls dice based on applicable skills and the winner in a round puts forth a FACT about the  problem.  This is typically derived from the plot so far, but may be something they’ve deduced via science or intuition.  After 3 facts are created a final roll off for the ability to create the hypothesis is granted to the victorious player.  Aspects can be used, invoked, etc as normal.   They hypothesis then becomes an Aspect in the story.  While this isn’t necessarily the actual final thesis, the facts created become facts in the story.   This is pretty friggin’ awesome as it frames up a new way to create campaign or story aspects.  I can’t mention the Hypothesis created by the group– but it was INCREDIBLE.


Well we are playing again this weekend, so we’ll see if it continues to hold up.  Again it’s just a beta, but it looks like it’s quite close to the final based on the quality of the system.  The Updates to FATE Core are nifty and streamline things even more (if you can imagine that).  I’m looking forward to not just the game, but what other people do with it as well down the road.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd edition acquired after much internal debate

probably no dwarf wizards

I’ve been looking at this version of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay from afar for a few years now and had a gift certificate that just had to be used. Holy fuck is it a huge box filled with goodies.  I’m about halfway through the rules and it reminds me a bit of Cortex (Marvel Super Heroes base engine) with it’s dice pools but still absolutely has the feel of Warhammer up inside.  While I have played the game before, I haven’t had a chance to really go through the components much and I tell you, this shit is IMPRESSIVE.  Fantasy Flight is boss at using little counters and chits for stuff, sometimes a bit overboard, but all of the components make sense and from what I’ve played and read, make the game flow really well.

What I’m looking to solve with this version is the common problem with First and Second edition: whiffing.  The last time I ran 2nd edition (back in 2006) combat was fun but very long– very long with three players against a small group of skaven….and that ain’t right.  Let’s look at an example from Second edition.  Human has an axe vs a Human with a sword and shield.  Axman has a WS of 35% (pretty good) and the Sword and Shield guy has a WS of 30%.   2/3rds of the time, these guys are going to miss when they attack.  In the case of the Axman, not only does he miss 2/3rds of the time, but the sword and shield guy can parry 1/3rd of the time giving him about 11% chance of hitting every swing.  That’s bad.  That’s very, very boring.  As much as we loved the critical hit charts and all that, it’s tough to get through a large combat in WRFP 1st and 2nd edition, not because there is so much going on (ala Exalted or Champions) but because it’s a WHIFF FEST.  No one is hitting anyone.  Is that realistic?  Maybe.  Is it interesting and make for fun combat?  No.  Unlike Exalted, where ALL hits except the killing blow miss, there is not interesting powers or economy of motes in Warhammer 1st and 2nd edition– it’s just a percentile roll followed possibly by a parry or block roll mostly leading to whiffing.

Third edition completely solves this both by giving players choices of improving their own chances at a cost (like Exalted) and making sure SOMETHING happens whenever there is an exchange of blows, whether it’s pants falling down, weapons breaking or just something happening that effects the fight.  While each attack is appreciably slower to determine action and dicepool in third edition, each attack MATTERS, so if you have to spend a few minutes determining your pool, that’s OK.

Character creation looks like a bitch, but if I remember from last year, it was fairly straightforward overall.   Career advancement, at least from reading, gets rid of the Career exit paths that we knew and loved from first and second edition– you can go to any career after your initial one (or even during) but it costs a lot more to go to once that is dissimilar.  The determination of similarity is sort of odd and I’ll likely have to re read it.

One point of confusion about the system is what to get OTHER than the giant box set.  You need pieces for another player if you want to play with 4+, but where do you get them?  What’s the best module?  How do you get access to more careers to choose from?   Since everything is very component driven, there are some limits as to how much stuff will be out for the game.  A career isn’t just something on a sheet of paper photocopied from White Dwarf circa 1990, it’s a set of cards and chits as well. This makes it tough to JUST own the base set.  Some of the modules have more careers (ouch), and since they came out with books by themselves, FF released component sets that can be purchased without getting the base set…

Otherwise, I’m looking forward to digging into this.  A buddy of mine has had a campaign going for almost a year now and they play every week so here goes!

Atomic Robo character #2: Tessai

U mad?

Having fun with the “Weird” character builder.  Like Kerberos Club, Atomic Robo allows custom skills and modes, so you can conceivably build just about any type of character, and so here we go with one of the greatest anime villains there is: Tessai from Ninja Scroll.  This is not even in the wheelhouse of what Atomic robo is about, but here we go.


Organization: 8 Devils of Kimon!

Modes and Skills

Good (+3)
Ninja (9 points for mode) (3 Skill point upgrades)

Athletics (+4)^
Combat (+4)^
Intimidation (+4)^
Physique (+5)^*
Stealth (+4)^
Will (+4)^
Fair (+2) (9 Points)

Average (+1) (9 Points)

^ upgraded by cross skills
* upgraded with points

Contept: Stone bodied Ninja

NINJA: Trained by Gemma

ACTION: All strategy is deception

INTRIGUE: A dead girl might be an interesting lay

Open: I am the strongest of the Devils of Kimon
Signature aspect: Stone Bodied Ninja

Weapon return: Always have thrown weapons made of metal return by next action.
Immune to normal weapons (Armor 4, At a Cost)

Stronger than Normal humans (At a cost)

Equipment Extra:

Double Edge sword
Function: Slice!
Flaw: Huge

Weapon Stunts:
Spinning Death: Attack Effects everyone in a zone either current or one zone away (at a cost)

Massive Weapon: Weapon 4
Stress Boxes
Physical: XXXX

Mental: XX

So  Tessai  is a typical Brick with invulnerability to normal weapons and some armor against abnormal attacks.  Both are “At a Cost” which creates a narrative difficulty or aspect when it’s used.   I built a custom mode (NINJA) for him but no custom skills (didn’t seem necessary to get him to where he should be).   As one of his extras, he has his double sided sword that he can throw to hit everyone within his zone or one away and does a lot of damage.  One way to do the Brick style is to create a stunt where he can defend with his physique.  Since it’s only +5 (nothing super human there) I wanted to go with the invulnerability extra instead.

Next up, I’m going to try something really odd, like Arakune from Blazblue and the like

Atomic Robo RPG – first character: BIG JIM

Snazzy spy suit to boot!

I (which means in some cases WE) got into the third round of beta testing for Atomic Robo RPG/FATE core 3.0 (Huzzah!), and the first thing I did was spew out a character using the no math version of character creation.  FATE usually takes a bit of time to make characters, and Atomic solves this pretty well with a fast method and less aspects (Dresden and Spirit of the Century require TEN for each character).   There are two types of characters– simple and complex (or weird).   The simple method is pretty streamlined and gets you into the action fast, but it’s not possible to make a human blob or batwinged prehistoric monstrosity that way.  For starters I chose and icon from the mid 70’s: BIG JIM.  His aspects are ripped from Wikipedia and various commercials from the early 70’s where he had a backpack that talked.   I think with a GM at your side, one could probably make a character like this in less than 15 minutes, even if you didn’t know FATE well.  The only tough part are the Stunts, which can be filled in during play.  The complex character generation will take a bit more doing, as it allows similar skill creation as Strange Fate/Kerberos Club.I’ll post something created via that method next.
Big Jim

Organization: Big Jim’s P.A.C.K.

Modes and Skills

Good (+3)

  • Intimidation (+4)
  • Contacts (+4)
  • Deceit (+4)
  • Will (+5)*
  • Rapport (+4)*

Fair (+2)

  • Athletics (+3)
  • Notice (+3)
  • Combat (+4)*
  • Physique (+4)**
  • Vehicles (+3)*

Average (+1)
CONCEPT:  Basic good guy leader of the P.A.C.K.

INTRIGUE: Average Caucasian Male with no other distinguishable characteristic

ACTION: I’m going in for a look!

BANTER: Permanent good attitude

Open Aspect: a Joy for Life

Look out sir! : When hit, put a minor consequence on any of your teammates or friendly NPC’s rather than yourself

Give me the keys: +2 to drive any vehicle type never driven before

I’ve got the tools: +2 to Declarations regarding having the right tool for the job

Signature Aspect: Permanent good attitude

Call the P.A.C.K.: Spend a fate point to steal the iniative and choose who it goes to.


So he’s a natural leader and has some skills there but the meat of this guy are his stunts.  He can have his teammates take consequences for him and control the pace of a fight with his Call the PACK stunt.  While not a heavyweight fighting, he can hold his own against normal foes.  His science is REAL weak so that’s a gaping hole that will need to be filled by team mates.   I started it as a joke/test, but this is a character I’d actually dig playing.

Exalted 3rd Edition!

How I missed this announcement during the summer I’ll never know, but it’s actually official. Exalted 3rd edition is in development (and has been for quite awhile now) and will be out next year some time.  This is great but stunning news.  Stunning because both 1st and 2nd edition have TONS of books (most of which I purchased) and will have to again with 3rd edition.  It’s great because as awesome as the backstory of Exalted is, as cool as the 2nd edition combat system seemed to be at the beginnings of play (with basic, unoptimized Solars vs Dragon Blooded or Mortals) it seriously needs a rework to the combat system all the way through.  First, because it’s a very difficult game for a GM to plan and run without a lot of handwaving to speed up play that does not do justice to the system and second because the combat is both narratively and systematically broken.  There are a lot of people that did not (and do not) want this to be true.  For years Exalted discussion has dominated the RPG forums, and for good reason, there is a massive amount to discuss and argue over– the main thing here is as many issues as the system has people really care about it a lot.

This is not going to be easy to do.  Exalted combat, as it stands, takes a long time, is intensely engaging for the players that get to act often (sorry archers) and involves tons of dice rolls. Your characters are rarely dealing with mooks or even mortals most of the time so the antagonists are as detailed and complicated as the player characters.  In terms of bosses, much more so.  This is rough on the GM who has to remember all the stunts for his antagonists AND the stunts the players have in their arsenal.  It’s quite daunting to try to run a  Dragon Blooded Solar hunt team and they are the weakest of the Exalts!  The  part that broke it for me personally is the stunt to mote engine.  In order to keep going in a fight, Exalts (all of them) have to use a narrative stunt every single action they take, whether offensively or defensively.  Every time they succeed, they get motes back.  This makes combat drag terribly, even though the idea of narrative during fights is key and throwing out stunts is a huge no no going forward.  However when you have players that are hoping that they get attacked by the mooks (who can’t hurt them anyway) so they can stunt to get their two motes back in order to fuel their perfect defenses when getting attacked by the big bad is just not a fun situation to be in as the GM.   The initiative system, Perfect Attacks, Perfect defenses, Soak, Armor, Ping damage, and the total invincibility of the (updated!) version of Mask of Winters– the list of issues is long and tangled for 3rd edition to work out.

This is stuff I’d like to see (and Matt too):

No movement measure in yards – FATE uses ZONES rather than yards, etc. and it works awesome.  This should be stolen.  I hate Exalted chase scenes and combats where people are trying to stay just out of reach by a ‘square’ and such.

Not too many charms! – Kerberos Club allows characters to create Skills with trappings that allowed lots of stuff to be done with a single ‘power.’ even for magic users, the ability to create trappings (a trapping would be like “Strike” or “Climb”) during a session.  This is cooking good if your players can grok it.

Charm cards – let’s have some official ones that players can use.

Let my character get hit! – Perfect defenses are OK in theory, but when you MUST use one to not die, it’s a problem.

Limit stunting to once per turn – either offensive stunt or defensive stunt.

That said, there has been enormous amounts of discussion around the Exalted combat system since 2nd edition came out and tons of ideas on how to fix it from some really brilliant minds (who started with the errata bringing it to 2.5).  Many of these brains are working on third edition and know exactly what the system needs so I have great hope that the game will be essentially playable while holding on to that special magic that Exalted certainly has.  Beyond the metaplot, which is incredible, to me it represents, along with FATE (Kerberos Club especially), the evolution of truly narrative focus for everything in an RPG (including and especially combat)  that started (for me at least) with Robin Law’s FENG SHUI, so that we are not simply clearing out a room of 66 Gnolls after clearing out two rooms of 25 Gnolls, our characters are fighting for reasons and take consequences for STAKES.  It’s possible in both Exalted and FATE for your character to be fundamentally changed by the outcome (other than, you know, croaking) of a single combat.  As we push forward in RPG design, there are three systems that I am really looking at that I feel are carrying the torch of Feng Shui.  Obviously FATE Core 3 that will come out with Atomic Robo RPG, Legends of the Wulin (which I know I will never likely PLAY outside of a con setting, but I want to absorb the system) and now, of course, Exalted 3.

And of course, I wonder what the Exalted world will look like after the events of The Return of the Scarlet Empress

When Hardcore is too Hardcore!

In explanation of the previous post: a few days ago, our brave hardcore, elite, blind heroes had still not made it to Act 2 of Torchlight.  The first 20 levels or so were manageable  but after that, they found constant permadeath in the dungeons and regions of the second half of act 1 (the ice region!).  One fateful night, three of us decided to make a run on the final Act 1 dungeon, but had to level up one of our fellows in the process so running around the ice region was in order.  Much to our surprise, a random boss not even in a dungeon fired off an attack that killed both the level 25 Engineer (with a LOT of hit points) and the level 17 Berserker.  My character, Blactaculus 2, was hit about as hard as possible, but managed to survive.  After all the deaths, this was the final straw for Elite hardcore blind.

What caused both characters to die in one attack we cannot determine.  The attack itself was an ice shot that hit multiple times along a straight line.  Chillhoof has this same attack and I have lost at least one character to it– but he’s a major boss. This ice guy was just a dude running around.  Were there criticals rolled at this time?  Multiple criticals?  We can’t be sure.

That said, we’re putting away the hardcore mode for awhile to see the rest of the game together.  We will be back to Hardcore Elite, but as of now, the blind run is over and we— we failed!   This is a testament to the difficulty of Torchlight 2 on the higher levels for anyone stating that the game is too easy: be more ELITE.