Happy New Year

I will soon go to a party where I will show people my ass and it will be a party wide topic of conversation.  That said, here is an obligatory hot chick picture to harken in the new year.

Tron Sound Track – let's not make a big deal of it

It’s so Hollywood meh in the “THIS IS HOW YOU SHOULD FEEL RIGHT NOW” vein as expected, and what they had to do: however some parts are indistinguishable from the Inception sound track!  For such an electronic movie why did Disney settle for second-rate electronicists?  It should have been Richard D. James!


Queen's Blade Mellowna
Mellowna says YAY!

Wow, I can’t believe I missed this last month!  Looks like we have Lunatic (new), Claw (new), Filth and Empath confirmed as part of the new set of 20 aliens (bringing the total to 90!) as well as another set of planets and ships in JET BLACK for 7th player slot.   Not that I needed another reason to play Cosmic Encounter, but there it is: I’ve never played a 7-player game unless player 7 was the Advisor variant (who could still win).  I just feel bad for many of the other board games slowly going to dust in my basement region.  They have emotions and they are crying (except for Calyus and Agricola).

Which aliens are you hoping for? I was really hoping for the Filth and that’s in, but for me– Silencer, Aristocrat, Vampire, Terrorist.

Map of Metal

Map of Metal

Does there need to be 15 kinds of Danish, Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian death metal while all Grunge from the pansy Screaming Trees and Eddie Vedder’s bro-rape quintet to Mudhoney is lumped together?  Anyway, it’s fun for a good 15 minutes.