Classic White Dwarf Art

Oh man, there is some amazing stuff here. The following is a post on the Realm of Chaos blog that shows off some dude’s collection of 80’s art from the White Dwarf/GW artists who actually paid him in art. It’s pretty awesome that this stuff survived and is in one place. Not going to post any pics as they are all at the link below.

This is such an awesome blog as well if you dug the glory days of GW in the 80’s and early 90’s, it’s something to keep watch on (though I do REALLY like 8th edition Warhammer far better than any other version so far), so we may be in another period of awesomeness for the company.  This time it’s a lot more expensive though!

The Raid: Redemption worth a look

I don’t see very many movies but I was down in Miami for a bit and got to see the new Star Trek (which was entertaining but the pace was a bit silly) and the Raid: Redemption.   Raid is very similar to last year’s Dredd wherein a bunch of cops try to take down a gang boss in a very large building.   I was trying to run this type of plot in my Apocalypse Palau campaign for a modified Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, but the characters were just to powerful (they could have just punched the building down for the most part).

However, like Dredd, the Raid is a MUST SEE if you like action films of the John Woo genre.  With the Raid, you get a bunch of awesome kung fu to boot!  The knife fighting bits are especially mind blowing. Check below for a nice fight scene of note.


Game of Thrones: Ruminations on finishing the series

The chewing through the reading list continues!  I finished book 5 two weeks ago and I have some feelings about it.  Note that below has spoilers.  Many spoilers.  Pushing through books 4 and 5 which were very long, we’re left with — guess what?  A huge set of cliffhangers for most of the main characters: Tyrion and Bran excluded.  Reek is alive, Asha is alive, Dany is alive and back where she started in book 1.  Stannis, Boltons, Dario, Jon Snow, Cersei, Jamie we’re all at the cliff with these characters– at least the Dornish prince storyline came to an end as I was getting quite confused as to which characters were with Aegeon Targaren and Quinten Dorne–that all got really messy until finally one was dead and one was in Westeros attacking.

Finally after 5 books, we have the Targaren faction fighting in Westeros itself AND since there are now two Targarens, neither of them are safe from death.  I always said that the one character that was truly immortal in the series was Dany because if she died the entire non-westeros storyline would have been for nothing at all.  Now that Aegeon is around, she is no longer untouchable and that’s an improvement.

The thing about the series is that the stories we thought we were getting in the beginning are not the stories that are being told, it almost feels like a Naruto fight, where the fighting that takes a total of 5-6 attacks drags out over 6-8 episodes of character exposition in between hacks (hey! Exalted combat in cartoon form!).  What’s more, in book 5 there are more characters that you just don’t care about than you do–it’s like once you saw that first Samwell chapter in book 2 or 3 you realized that anyone could have a chapter on them, and in 4 and 5 we are exposed to chapter after chapter about Reek and Brienne and various Ironborn and Samwell  that just seems to move the cheese of the conflict from Dany and whoever is in charge of Westeros at the time to minor players, and in a way, getting in the way of the conflict in the shadows between Varys and Littlefinger.  Even the Stark chapters, the cornerstone protagonists, have nothing whatsoever to do with the main plotline at the end of book 5 with the exception of the likely dead/not dead Jon Snow.  That said I doubt we’ll have another Bran chapter (though he will have an effect in the north in other character’s chapters) and while Arya’s view of the riverlands and Bravos was interesting it is now a complete sideshow that will take almost incredible dues ex machina to get her back in.  Tyrion– well that’s a tough one because like all Hobbits in fantasy novels, he has some key role to play in the eventual resolution of the big plot, but in Book 5 he was really just wandering around doing a whole lot of nothing– sort of just a witness to events and peoples outside of the main conflict.

Last but not least, the dragons are finally having a bigger part in the plot, but what was the dance if they stay chained up the whole time (well except at the end)? We have no resolution to the Ironborn/dragon horn plot and have to wait, like everything else, for the next book.  In addition, some of the progress the series made with characters and their positions seems to have been reversed– the book 4 “fall of cersei” was essentially reversed at the end of book 5 with the death of Kevan–leaving yet again another power vacuum that she can fill.  It’s almost like Martin has a vision of where the characters will all be when the main plot starts to actually roll out, and we just have to wait until all the pieces are in place for that to actually start and until then they just get whipped around the mullberry bushes.

Exalted 3 kickstarter funded in 18 minutes

too bad she didn’t survive the Reclaimation–but did her exaltation…

Well fans, here it is finally (and unexpectedly for some), the Exalted 3rd edition kickstarter.  This is not a kickstarter for the game itself, but a kickstarter for two over-the-top productions of the 3rd edition main book (one made of METAL).  Metal will run you about 350 bones, but you can get the deluxe version of the new book for about $125 thrown in the cess pot.  Of course, I did it immediately because Exalted is the game that got me back into the pen and paper roleplaying game hobby after a long, long hiatus.  Sure during this hiatus I ran a bit of Warhammer 2nd edition, and played some Pathfinder here and there, looked upon the D&D 4th edition rules languidly, and had a very fun but disturbing weekend session of a first edition module (slave pits of the undercity) using the 3rd edition D&D rules.  The hobby, before Exalted came around, was something to diddle with here and there, but felt like something I did in the past.  Exalted 2nd edition really started the fire of love for the hobby that I have carried ever since.  It’s broad scope, it’s sensual and ultraviolent artwork, it’s mechanics (see below) and just being a massive work of fiction by a plethora of authors in the source books kept me reading and reading, even while Real Life was stripping away the ability to actually play all that much– but play we did and MOST of the time it was awesome for me and the players (well I hope)

And so begins another long post about Exalted.  With all the praise and fans it got (and it got a lot), 2nd edition Exalted had problems, glaring ones actually; especially for a GM because it was incredibly hard to systematically run combats/conflicts the correct way using all the charms available to your enemies while remembering the player’s charms enough to give them a tactical run for their money.  I remember as a childe running the battles in D&D at higher levels where the enemies would use their powers and monsters weren’t just a stat line (HD, hp, THACO and damage) and that got COMPLEX with Drow firing up their minor globes of invulnerability and geas and all that crazy shit.  If it was too much for a Dew’ed up 12 year old to handle, how can a working adult with no time to prepare fare?  Exalted is like high level D&D  on crack even with beginning characters.  That’s part of it’s appeal and part it’s problem.  You have characters that can fly, that can never be touched by an attack, can disappear underground or if allowed to speak, can cajole anyone within earshot to fall on their swords– all of which is in the normal paradigm of powers of the Exalted.  The issue with this vast array of powers is that they are fitted over the top of a very detailed and crunchy system with tons of numbers and dice and modifiers and almost too many options for players to deal with.

Let’s look a bit at the game’s economy– not money, but the stuff the player has to manage on their character sheet.    First and foremost is Essence— where characters have a rating of 1-5 that determines a personal and peripheral pool of points they can spend in situations to use their powers.  Second is health levels, usually about 5-7.  Third is Willpower that also fuels some powers but is used as a rating as well, then there are Virtues that can be channeled for success at a task, next is DV (defensive value) that can be manipulated by actions and charms. Soak, which is either bashing or lethal (chracaters have both) and determines how much damage you can take before you take it in health levels,  and last (I must have missed some here) is your Ticks for an action– how fast the action you are taking takes in game time– this ALSO can be manipulated by various means.  As you can see, that is a SHITLOAD of stuff to keep track of and when you are a player, it’s daunting.  When you are a GM with 5-10 characters in a combat it becomes …IMPOSSIBLE.

So a lot of people played Exalted and a few people eventually found some things about the system that were a bit broken (well a lot really) as in you could build a character that could not be hit at all by manipulating essence expenditures and essence gain via various charms/innate abilities– and you could do this at character generation.  What’s more, these players argued, because some of the attacks in the game are incredibly lethal (and there is no resurrection) all player and NPC characters MUST use this type of character build to survive combat. They further argued that the Exalted in the game would know this and it logically applied that every character in the game would (if they could) have such a build.  Unfortunately because of the internet, these builds got everywhere and while my play group may have sort of built their characters a bit this way, even a partial twink build like this made the combats even more frustrating to run and also made them incredibly LONG.   While I complain about D&D and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay because about half the time you attack you fail (the ‘whiff factor’) and when you do hit it does “damage” that really isn’t damage since everyone in D&D is either dead or 100% combat effective–and this made combat boring, Exalted’s combats can become boring for a completely different reason– even though characters have all these awesome potential attacks and can do stunts all over the place and it’s very narrative, because Essence is used to save you from dying AND fuel your attacks, players will not use their essence for anything cool unless they absolutely know that they will get a hit.  Since the powerful antagonists ALSO have this going on– it becomes a long flurry of dodging and blocking with perfect defenses until everyone is asleep at the table in Real Life with no outcome. Rather than a fight, a real pub fight that is, any combat becomes a lot more about essence management than anything else.  While that logically should be part of the game economy– it ended up being the only thing.

Since the last time I played Exalted I have searched for something LIKE it that can carry the weight of the system but without all the long crazy fights.  While I read a bunch of other systems certainly influenced by Exalted (like Wu Lin and Noblis, etc.), I actually got to play FATE and Marvel Heroic Roleplaying.  While FATE is awesome, I think Marvel Heroic Roleplaying’s system absolutely nails the ‘supers’ genre (where Exalted fully belongs except, of course, there are swords and spells) mainly because while characters have all this cool shit they can do but when they fight with each other instead of constant negation: SOMETHING HAPPENS.  Fights between fully kitted out superhero teams plus whatever other fodder may be in the mix go like greased hole lighting because when Thor throws his hammer at the Hulk, chances are even in the comics where no one really dies– SOMETHING is going to happen in the MHR system.

So what I’m looking for in Exalted 3 is MHR.  That’s putting it as simply as I can.  I am cool with the D10’s and the base Storyteller system, but something has to HAPPEN in combat and it has to happen whenever a player rolls the dice.  It’s fun to dodge all around and never get hit by Dragon Blooded hunt pack, but man 4 hours of that to wear down everyone’s essence and sneak in a single hit that turns an enemy to ash? No.  The complexity of Exalted, all the stats, all  the economy on the character sheet that needs to be managed, the tick-based combat, all of which in theory should work just breaks down when you are faced with tracking every character.  While I the essence reactor twinking can be solved, there’s got to be a middle ground between super crunch complexity and playability.

In any case MHR has solved initiative in roleplaying games forever .

DOTA 2 inspired arts

Most fan art is, well, fan art. Sometimes you find an artist that’s able to take it beyond the source material. Click the image for more of the dude’s work.
