Winning – King of Dragon Pass

IMG_3249Oh boy, that was a long one… I’ve been playing the game on and off since 1999 (when it originally came out) and found it to be quite fun, and not at all about the winning of the game. If you play to win, it can go sort of faster, but when you first play the game it’s more about exploring and being an RPG (where the character is your clan) than a game you ‘win’.   Like Dwarf Fortress and FTL, the fun is not always in success.  Recently on the phone, I played a few times trying to win the game, failed and quit (just sell off all your cattle to end the game) and in frustration, finally picked a great name for my clan that actually won: Rape Margin.  One of the offshoots of playing a lot of KoDP is an interest in Glorantha and Runequest– while it does seem like an interesting period to roleplay in, it’s tough to imagine every getting people to play a game of it.  Runequest 6 looks quite good for a very detailed and realistic system.  Reading the combat system has made me look at D100 systems (the whiff systems) a lot differently, especially WFRP 2nd edition who’s combat could have been a lot better.

Winning King of Dragon Pass is not easy, it takes quite a long time to do because a lot of the events are completely random, and your clan can go on a pretty hard core death spiral if you get hit by bad events over and over, but after years of play, there are some clear steps:

1. Form a Tribe. This means completing a the Making of the Storm Tribe heroquest which can both kill your guys and kill your will to continue playing. Just remember, completing a heroquest is a HUGE deal in the game. Think of the game as a means to complete the heroquests and you’ll be good. Making your clan into a heroquesting engine is the most important part of the game.

2. Complete ALL the other heroquests (including Making of the storm tribe a second time). My advice here is to read all the myths, memorize the correct answers and be ready to try the same one over and over.  There are walkthru’s on the internet too of course, and if it makes the game more enjoyable USE THEM.  Remember though, many of the answers to the situations have many ‘winning’ answers.   Some of the heroquests give you hints about other ones, those are good to do first.

3. Win. This is the hard part because you have to be the king of your tribe, which isn’t easy. Once you are king of your tribe things can happen to your king, so you NEED to complete the heroquests as soon as you can.  Keep at it.

An Excerpt from my clan’s saga (the Rape Margin clan).  The whole game took 76 game YEARS to complete.

This is what looked like to be the beginning of a typical death spiral, but I pulled out of it:

Our seers predicted that the hunters would find little game this year.

A gigantic Chaos creature appeared on the boundaries of our tula. It ate some sheep, and scared away the shepherds. We sent for Uroxi warriors. While we waited for word to get to them, the Chaos creature ate some of our horses. The Uroxi refused to help us, because we had not respected them before now. “Maybe now you will realize how important we are,” they said. We sought the aid of other clans. While we were talking to other chieftains, the Chaos creature ate some of our children. No other clan agreed to help us. We sacrificed to Urox for aid against Chaos. While we prepared the sacrifices, the Chaos creature ate some of our cows. The god-talkers said the signs were good; Urox would aid us in our battle. We attacked the creature. We fought the creature, but its terrifying powers were too much for us. It devoured many of our fighters before our eyes, and horribly wounded many others. It shambled off only when it had gorged itself on the corpses of the slain. Many people expected it to come back later. – This is a horrible event in the game and if it keeps happening, you will be fucked forever.

Outlaws blocked our caravan to the Apple clan. Branbrig attacked, but was wounded and had to return home. – I always choose “Kill as many bandits as possible” in these events.”

Brenna was accused of secret magic and deliberately spreading disease. Our ancestral spirits held her blameless of spreading disease. They said she was a friend of Ernalda but would say no more. Many people concluded Brenna was a member of the Earth Witch spirit tradition. We proclaimed her innocence. The people said that Brenna must be guiltless, and agreed that her magic, though secret, was not harming anyone. Not long afterwards, several farmers reported digging up valuable items. – Always do a divination if you have clan magic because this happens a lot and most of the time the people are doing some sort of good.

Korlmar, a trader of the Arnoring clan, warned us to be wary of another trader, Yerestia of the Zethnoring clan. We avoided becoming entangled in this dispute. – I haven’t seen all the permutations of this event tree, but it happens a lot.

A dragonewt came and asked for its old body back. “We don’t have your body,” we told it. We said that we really had no idea exactly where the body was. It flared its crest and hissed, “You not lie, exactly — but you not truthful either.” It departed, promising stern action. – This is when you find a ‘dead’ dragonnewt and make armor out of it. You want to keep the armor!

Foul weather turned back our trading caravan bound for the Vanstali clan.

Salinarg began the Elmal Guards the Stead heroquest. Orlanth left on his great quest, and Salinarg stayed to guard the stead. A Chaos creature called the Eater of Skin came and attacked. Salinarg became bright, in order to blind the Eater of Skin. The creature reared back, shrieking. It tore at Salinarg, tearing his arm from its socket. Salinarg easily slew the sightless creature with his other arm, and the people rejoiced. Our worshippers, back in the ritual ground, had a chance to help Salinarg knit himself back together. We gave of our tears, weeping and wailing, so that our tears soaked the ritual ground. Salinarg knitted himself back together and everyone, whether from the Rape Margin clan or the Storm Tribe, rejoiced. More Chaos enemies came, including the Author of Sores. Salinarg let the creature tear him apart. The Author of Sores did so, and then destroyed the stead of the Storm Tribe, and slew everyone inside. Our god-talkers were distressed by this terrible omen; even more so when the dismembered pieces of Salinarg’s body were found outside the ritual ground. The god-talkers said that we were sure to be visited by Chaos in the seasons ahead. – Elmal’s quest is one of the hardest because there are no right answers to the challenges, all of them give some sort of possibility of moving to the next stage– but if you give of anything but your tears after you get fucked up, you will lose.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Arnorings. We drove the Arnorings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. – There are a bunch of magic items that help to stop cattle raids– you need to buy and find them whenever you can.

A gigantic Chaos creature appeared on the boundaries of our tula. It ate some sheep, and scared away the shepherds. We sent for Uroxi warriors. While we waited for word to get to them, the Chaos creature ate some of our horses. 2 great holy warriors of Urox came to aid us. We sacrificed to Urox for aid against Chaos. While we prepared the sacrifices, the Chaos creature ate some of our cows. The god-talkers said the signs were good; Urox would aid us in our battle. We sought the aid of other clans. While we were talking to other chieftains, the Chaos creature ate some of our children. No other clan agreed to help us. We attacked the creature. We slew the creature. It decomposed over a matter of days, and we had to keep everyone inside their steads. Where it died, nothing would grow. – Again, this is a fuckall event.  

The Apples raided us. We drove the Apples from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. – This needs to happen a lot, a combination of tech (the blessings of the gods), magic items and people on the ring can make this happen all the time.  I always pick: Sacrifice to Humakt, Kill as many as possible and Charge as my options unless there is something special. going on.

Good luck, the game is winnable after all!.

13th Age first session (not a) total disaster

I wanted this post to be about how I am digging GM’ing 13th Age, but we had serious issues for our first session. The trouble with RPG sessions usually center around people not showing up rather than any sorts of technical problems, which is what we had last night with our first session. To give you perspective, we started things off at 8PM and called it at 10:45PM or so; a good 2.5 hours plus– and we were playing online– NEVER a good idea if you can help it.  We can’t so there we were.

First, we were using Roll20 and whatever voice chat system they implemented– it simply doesn’t work or in the hour or so spent with it, it didn’t. We switched to Steamchat with voice but could not get everyone to hear each other — as in one person could hear everyone, another person could hear everyone but one person and so on. It was a complete communication mess.

One option in Roll20 is to use Google Hangouts, and I know that shit works– however, the account that I use with Roll20 has been BANNED by Google for not adhering to their names policy. Since we are Google’s product, we’re not a sufficient product unless we use a real name on our account… but I have MANY google accounts and only one uses my real name so I don’t know what the issue is there.  You think I want to use my real name for all this shit? Am I some attention whoring millennial?

In terms of game played, it was just terrible progress.  I had to work on some characters a bit but to give you some perspective of how little game we actually got to play: at the start of each session of 13th Age, you roll Icon relationship dice to see what Icons are somehow involved in the session– , this is a roll of 3 dice per player and I wrote down the results, this was the ONLY thing we were able to get done in terms of the adventure proper.

In terms of planning, I figured we would get through the ENTIRE included adventure in the back of the book…

greedy greedy hirelings
greedy greedy hirelings



Happy 40th D&D!

Ye old blue book....
Ye old blue book….

Wow.  If I was to point to one single thing that influenced me more than anything else, it would be D&D, both playing it as a kid, trying not to play it as a teenager (to be cool) and then moving on to better games as an adult (better being Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay for the most part) and just all around gaming– D&D was the gateway drug!  I’ve spent some of my tiny amount of leisure time this week going through some of my old RPG shit and trying to ID the path I took through the hobby.  I think it’s this (bold means I feel it was a huge influence):

D&D Basic (blue book) > Moldvay Basic (boxed sets) > AD&D (sort of, since it really fucking sucked and we just used the Basic rules with the AD&D monsters) > Gamma World (ahem…shoplifted copy I shamefully admit..)> Champions > Star Frontiers > Paranoia > Call of Cthulhu > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles > Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay  (this lasted all through college and beyond) > Werewolf  > Feng Shui > Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition > Exalted (this got me back into RPG’s seriously around 2006) > Dresden Files/FATE > Marvel Heroic Roleplaying > Carolina Death Crawl > ???

Now, of course, it’s all about the narrative style games and I haven’t played a D20 in years.  13th Age will be the first delve into a modern D20 since a single session of Pathfinder about 4 years ago.  Of course, 13th Age IS a mash up of narrative and D20 crunch, so we’ll see how it plays  vs FATE and vs 3.5.

That said, there have been many awesome RPG’s that came out in the last couple years and even just last year besides 13th Age:  Fate Core, Numenera, Fiasco, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Carolina Death Crawl are all huge additions to the genre that are moving the ball forward– it’s really tough to pick what to even run!

Looking forward to 2014, we’ll have D&D Next, Exalted 3 and what looks like a crazy interactive game by Robin D. Laws: HillFolk.  While I feel the new version of D&D is already out and it’s called 13th Age, I’m interested to see what D&D Next is able to do.  Let’s face it, Pathfinder has the ‘miniature heavy’ version of the game locked so Next will either bring it back towards the OD&D versions already handled by Labyrinth Lord and Lamentations of the Flame Princess or try to take Pathfinder head on (which is sort of 4th edition after all).

I know some of you have already been roped into many of my experimental games (playtest of fate core, carolina death crawl for example) and it will continue…

The Gaming of 2013

ahhh… the unlucky ’13 year was quite a year for games– or, dare I say, it should have been.  We had some MASSIVE releases last year with the culmination in some cases of decades of work for some development teams.  Yet for all their glory, the massive budget games were not the ones that I played and enjoyed, with a few exceptions.

Let’s run down the releases I got to play. Now I’m an ancient person with familial and work duties so there’s no chance in a given year that I’ll be able to play even close to everything that’s good. I have to make choices– very difficult choices with my budget of TIME.

Here we have the list of stuff I played or was seriously considering in order:
SashawtfAnarchy Reigns: This was the first game I bought in 2013 and it was…not great.  The price tag was good at 25$ or so, but I couldn’t get through the single player and the multiplayer, while interesting, just didn’t hold my attention.  The key issue was the core of the combat system– it just wasn’t all that great.   Compared to the AMAZING Urban Reign for the PS2, which is quite similar, it was a vast disappointment and from the ex-Clover team, that was sad.

Crysis 3: I am a huge Far Cry fan and though it pissed in my mouth with Far Cry 2, I still like the original developers a lot and I picked up the original Crysis and it was great fun. I haven’t bitten on 2 or 3 yet but probably will in the future.  I guess what did it for me was continued play of Battlefield 3.  Crysis 3 just seemed redundant and I didn’t buy it.

Hotline Miami: The first indy game of the year I picked up.  The ad campaign for this one was so incredible it was a must buy.  I never finished it — to be truthful after the school shooting last year I just couldn’t play it anymore– but I got a long way into the game before moving on to other games.  It was awesome.

Hear of the Swarm: Ok, for all it’s polish, Starcraft 2 is not fun for me to play.  The single player is quite boring and the actual storyline EXECUTION is just shit (the ideas are really cool though, just executed poorly and all tongue and cheek with the shitty-accent space rednecks and trying to be serious at the same time plus romance? what a space pissery!), the multiplayer, the meat of the game, feels like a fucking chore to me.  Plus, it’s a terrible annoyance to have to use Blizzard’s version of steam and ALWAYS BE ONLINE.  I figured out finally that as much as I love RTS games and Warcraft 3, I’m just not a Starcraft player so I skipped this one and will likely never play Starcraft 2 in any form again because it’s jsut goddamn tiresome.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger: This was an impulse buy and I didn’t get through it but played it a bit and was impressed. It’s essentially a rail shooter with a CRAZY story integrating with just about every Old West hero in the late era (think Jesse James/Butch Cassidy).  If this is cheap, pick it up, you won’t be disappointed even if you get like 3-4 hours of play only.

The Last of Us: Ok so this was a PS3 exclusive and I had no chance to play it. Apparently this is a great game for the story as it integrates stuff from the hugely influential THE ROAD into a zombie shooter.  I just wanted to note that if this had come out on other consoles, it would have sold a LOT more copies, especially PC.  Plus this has that short lady that’s in all the fucking movies these days that is always talking too much on screen.

Xcom: Enemy Within: This is a follow up to Xcom: Enemy Unknown from 2012 and I just didn’t bother with it despite my love for the first game.  I hope this combat engine sees more life as it’s great. I will pick this up eventually…

Company of Heroes 2: Ok so here is a sequel to one of my favorite RTS games. COH, along with Warcraft 3, redefined what I wanted out of an RTS, and they did it in very different ways.  Unfortunately, the ENTIRE COH team left Relic Games long before COH 2 was started and I read so many bad things about the game that I didn’t pick it up.  The comments from Russians about the game is pretty crazy if you check metacritic– I guess they forgot that Stalin was a murderous dictator that was able to save the country from another murderous dictator?

Rogue Legacy:  While I don’t have a controller to hook up to my PC, I gave this one a shot and it was pretty interesting.  It’s not Battle Block Theater though.. no sir. Hence, I had problems playing it for very long.

Dota 2:  2013 IS the year of DOTA2, hands down.  The game came out of beta and everyone was playing it before, and everyone and their MOTHER is playing it now.  It is the best game of 2013, no question about it.  Obviously it’s a game that doesn’t appeal to everyone and it’s a very very deep rabbit hole to get into (and you have to practice) but I think this was a huge release for the year.  It’s tough to say it was the best when you want to give it to something new– since the game is getting close to 10 years old from it’s first incarnations, but DOTA 2 is by far the most important and best game of 2013.

Saints Row IV: I loved Saint’s Row 3. Loved it and played the shit out of it.  IV is excellent— except I can’t play it anymore.  Whether it’s my configuration (unlikely) or a patch I can’t tell, but the game will no longer run on my computer.   I got 20 hours in and then simply had to stop playing after one of the patches hit. I uninstalled, reinstalled, check the interweb tubes for a solution which ended up being “wait for the next patch” which I don’t even think ever came.  Sad that they didn’t take their PC users seriously this time around.

Diablo 3 (consoles): The monumental failure of a game that is Diablo 3 hit consoles in 2013 and they did a good job. Unfortunately, the game is fundamentally flawed and cannot be ‘fixed’ with the removal of the real money auction house.  This is what happens when you spend 12 years and millions of dollars on what amounts to a PAY TO PLAY iPHONE GAME.

Total War Rome 2: How the mighty have fallen.  This was my fucking BIGGEST disappointment of the year.  I warned my wife and wee children that I would be huddled in the basement for MONTHS on this fucker, but I put in 40 hours of frustration and was done. Rome 1 was my second choice for game of the DECADE from 00 to 10 only second to the almighty Warcraft 3.  What the fuck happened? 1) Too large of a budget  2) Too short of a timeline 3) crappy battle engine.  This series is dead to me.  Shogun 2’s battles sucked despite EVERYTHING else about the game being excellent.  The design choices + the battles being shit tanked this game forever.  Warhammer Fantasy Battle Total War will suck.

Path of Exile:  Another Diablo 3 killer, I did not get a chance to play this and probably won’t.  It’s been on my radar for a long time, but — I just want to keep playing Torchlight 2– like forever.

Battlefield 4:  Why come out so soon?  I still feel like I didn’t have the time to get into BF3 and ALREADY there’s a new BF game out?  And it’s not an offshoot like Bad Company or 2142, it’s the full on thing… why?  I just didn’t want this and saw no reason to buy it.  This does not need to come out every 2 years…

And for all that– it’s still just the year of DOTA 2.



Bolt Action After Action Report

Germans vs Brits. This is long and ramble-esque but gives a good feel for the game. It’s tough to go by turns because, while Bolt Action has turns, it’s more about game events than the clicking over of Turn 2 to Turn 3 like many other games.

The scenario was very interesting, one where if I could have gotten away without firing a shot, it would have been ideal. Looking forward to more games of this, especially since I didn’t have to put together my own plastic infantry!

Banner Saga is out!

One of my first Kickstarters, pledged so long ago that I have forgotten what the game actually is about, Banner Saga has released to the public.  When it came out on Steam this week I thought to myself– I backed this, how the heck do I get a copy of it?

Not only did I back it to get the game, I backed it to add a clan banner which of course I forgot to do and was really a total waste anyway.

Banner Saga is a turn based tactical fighting game with VIKINGS (see I knew there was a reason I backed this fucker) and I’m looking forward to spanning some times with it over this week, after which I will do my typical feeble and uninformed review.


Grappling is huge in armored combat

…and RPG rules for it are typically tacked on to the main system and don’t do it justice (some hand wave it away completely–I’m looking at you 13th Age!) or SUCK.

Look at the following video from “Battle of the Nations” which features real armor and blunted weapons for combat. Granted they are not trying to kill each other (no stabbing), but I think a lot of what’s happening here is very close to what we’d see in a melee on the battlefield, or a fight between armored opponents in say D&D.  Again–this is between armored opposition who use their weapons as clubs.  A non armored opponent would have to be extremely good to beat someone in armor like this mano-y-mano (also because someone in medieval  times would be extremely good to HAVE armor like this).

Think about the following factors:

1) It’s nearly impossible to breach the other guy’s armor with a strike from a weapon. You could knock him out or damage him (legs, arms, etc.) but you’re NOT going to land a killing blow unless you know exactly where there is a chink in the armor. Even then, the hit area would be tiny as to make it nearly impossible. Say in D&D you have hit points which do not indicate lethal damage (ever really), and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay wounds that represent your ablative-ness before you start taking critical wounds. Exalted/D10 acknowledges lethal and non lethal damage, and armor reduces both–usually lethal is HARDER for armor to reduce in these systems, but I would argue that lethal damage should be the easiest to buffer against (or soak). Essentially, armor should be far better than it is represented in these games based on the video above for stopping cutting/lethal damage.

2) Once you fall down, likely you’re dead, before you fall down, you can still fight if you’re not grappled.

3) If you’re grappled, your chances of harming your opponent is near to zero, but being in a grapple also reduces the chances of an opponent harming you, so it’s a viable defensive AND offensive tactic.

So look at how the medieval guys in the video fight.  One guy gets close, exchanges blows as a DISTRACTION for the grapple, at which time a second comes along and whacks at the grappled opponent’s legs or head until he goes down. Once down the opponent is typically out of the fight and can be dealt with later if not killed outright.

How would OD&D model this? Not very well in the printed version but there is this super obscure rule that was never properly published that makes more sense.  Modelling the video above, Fighter 1 would roll to hit with a D20.  This represents a series of blows in D&D remember, not a single attack.  If a hit happens (since it’s ‘harder’ to hit someone with armor on) then it will do some damage in terms of hit points.  The opponent would attack back and then the third guy would come in with a grapple attack which starts with a successful hit (including modifiers like armor which should actually make it EASIER for someone to grapple you), then goes to an opposed roll, etc.  The thing is, if you watch the movie above one notices that grapples happen EASILY all the time.

This is some serious grappling.
This is some serious grappling.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2nd edition) has some rules for grappling that work well for the system– both the grappled and grappler have +20% for people to hit them and cannot block or dodge.  The grappler can attempt to inflict unarmed damage during his or her turns and the grappled can attempt to escape and that’s it.  It models what’s going on in the video above just fine though doesn’t model people being thrown to the ground nor the grappled being able to do damage (I would mod it to just say that he could attempt to do unarmed damage to the grappler just the same). 3rd Edition WFRP has– you guessed it! A card.  As much as I wanted to write this and have it thoroughly researched– I just couldn’t be bothered to dig through all my 3rd edition cards to find it.

Despite it’s issue with Lethal/Non lethal soak of armor, Exalted’s grappling I would rate as good, mostly I think because White Wolf did the Street Fighter RPG (and Aberrant) and had to deal with this then, as well as the Vampires gripping each other in their pseudo sexual way.  Grappling is an attack and the attacker, if successful, can pull an action (crush, throw, maintain) but each turn that comes up the grapple is contested, with each winner of that round able to crush, throw or maintain the grapple.  Exalted does not let armor help you not be grappled (like D&D) which makes sense.

Finally, we’d be remiss if we didn’t talk about Marvel Heroic Roleplaying/Cortex and FATE as they model it fairly well in both.  In MHR, any grapple would be a complication die stuck to an opponent.  So, if the THING is trying to grip Wolverine and got a D10 effect die, he would stick a D10 complication on Wolverine for everything he’s doing (as a negative die) and it would be a D10 that others could use to hit Wolverine when they attack.  Invisible Woman could add a D10 to her (weak) punching of Wolverine and whenever Wolverine tried a non-opposed roll, he would have a D10 complication.  Note that this D10 complication would be the same if the Thing punched Wolverine into a wall (and trapped him) or sat on him– the system doesn’t care what the type of complication is, except within a narrative context.

In FATE you are trying to create an advantage over your opponent by grappling using an opposed roll. You can give this advantage to another player, so it models fairly well after looking at the Battle of Nations video.  However, the issue I have with both FATE and MHR is that the GRABBER should have some negative complications as well as the grabbed.  Both are in a grip, and neither may be winning. If one can overpower the other he may be able to hold him in place long enough for another person to smash him over the head, but it’s possible that they may miss and hit their buddy.   You can see how it’s a very complicated thing to model in any game (not just RPG’s).

I know this started out as a bit about armored combat, but it’s expanded a bit into a tirade about grappling in RPG systems.  I think it’s an extremely important part of fighting, one that cannot be hand waved off and must be simulated, especially in combat with heavily armored foes who use their swords as clubs until the very end.   Tactically, grappling is especially important when outnumbered– you better watch out because those Kobolds may drop like flies, but there are a lot of them and if they kobold-pile you, you may be skewered on a spit thrapple to anus before you know it.

Torchlight 2 Mod: “Essentials”

Like Diablo 2 with the Zyel mod (a collation of other mods + an awesome crafting mod), we’ve been waiting for a definitive collation of good mods for Torchlight 2 and here it is in “Torchlight Essentials.” The issue with mods is 1) which to get, 2) making your friends get the same ones, 3) getting games where everyone has the same mod. Collections of mods in one package,in my opinion, are essential to reduce the insanity. We tried it out Friday night and it was superlative.

New Pets!
New Pets!

The mod has a new class that mixes the mage and a close in fighter, the official 8 player muiltiplayer mod, the two mods (Blanks and Extra Chunky) from the Runic developers and a host of other vetted mods.  Highly Recommended.

Subscribe to the mod here: