We get a lot of remakes, Roller Ball, Total Recall, Planet of the Apes. Many of them are jack shit and should have probably gone straight to DVD / Streaming. With Nosferatu, we got a real good one. It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve seen the original, which I do not think I’ve seen in it’s entirety ever, just caught parts when it was on TV as a kid mostly not changing the channel out of curiosity (like when Metropolis would be on).

I’m not a film critic and mostly like trash movies, but the cinematography was amazing, the set design, costume design and atmosphere was spot on. Acting was superb from everyone. Pacing is critical in this type of film and Nosferatu is a long film at around 2 hours. Knowing the story pretty well, it took a long time during the middle of the film to get the conclusion started, but when it got rolling, the payoff was well worth it. Apparently there is going to be a longer version at some point, likely with a bit more in the beginning of the story.
The real star of this was Depp’s kid, who knocked it out of the park. She had a really challenging role combining what looked like early Olivia Hussey with Isabel Adjani (not just the seizure scenes but acting as well). I’ve only seen her in The King with Chalemet and Pattison (great movie) so she was basically an unknown to me –and rocked it. I don’t know if it was on purpose, but she looked like Olivia Hussey.
The other star was the design of the vampire which is slowly revealed throughout the film. It’s a must see just for that if nothing else. Unlike the horror of the Lighthouse, The Northman and the Witch, Nosferatu is pretty tame on the gore and nudity. While it has tits in it a couple of times, I’d say it’s not too bad of a film for kids over 13. Otherwise, it’s a movie that everyone should see.