The email just came out– Gamehole Con is on for Oct 21-24th! That means the Root Tournament is going to happen in 2021. Because it’s Madison and not a normal area of the state, we will probably have to sit around in masks, but just like not having the insane school closings that neighboring counties had as long as kids “wore” masks, I’ll take it.
- Housing Portal Opens – April 1st at noon CDT
- Event Submissions Open – May 1st noon CDT
- VIG Renewals Open – June 15th noon CDT
- Main Registration Opens – July 1st noon CDT
- VIG Event Registration Opens – August 15th noon CDT
- General Event Registration Opens – September 1st noon CDT
- Pre-registration and Event Submission Closes – October 1st
- Gamehole Con! – Oct. 21st – Oct. 24th