Category: Uncategorized
Kickstarters, Kickstarters
Four kickstarters of interest have just popped up. These are pricey to back in some cases, and I certainly can’t back them all, but one or more may be worth your interest.
First up is one of those insta-backs that is bound to make a shytte-load of cash and be awesome: Eclipse! This has cool ships, cool trays and probably isn’t something absolutely needed if you have the base game, but you’re going to want it. The full game with the expansion is a hefty 150$ though. I remember getting a copy of the first printing when the game got really hot by luck of timing years back and it’s been balls to the wall Eclipse ever since.
Second is OVER THE EDGE, a new version of the classic ‘fucked up island’ RPG that I never had a chance to play or run. The design was very influential and I expect it will be even better (much like Feng Shui 2 is to Feng Shui). This may not be everyone’s cup o tea, but the old game spawned the Greatest CCG card ever made.
Third is another Quartermaster Game yet this time about the Cold War. I really liked Quatermaster 1918 and feel this one will be even better.
Last is DEAD MAY DIE: CMON’s take on the Agents VS Cthulhu thing. This looks good but there are so many of these games… sooo many…
Names for Maaaat
We play a bunch of RPG’s and Matt is castigated most of the time for his character names. So much so that he has descended into utter filth or silliness as a response. While I’m used to players naming their characters after other PLAYERS in the game, or some two word combo that turns out to be violent sexual imagery when pronounced, I seek to help matt with his naming problem and wasn’t sure how until I found this post about a neural network generating thousands of ‘fantasy’ names.
Here are some good ones out of the 10K+
Chagg Castlewink
Mira the Bastard
Ravelock Hewclot
Saltroth Dank
Varion Mandrin
Perry Bardwood
Mellock Fistbelly
Rhon Smallthorn
Maedo Balland
Poppy Didgins
Corvish Prinn
Temen Maft
Morrigan Hellioa Forgelock
Nazi pug dog
A comedian may go to jail for making fun of Nazis…
Films of the 2018 ski trip
We went skiing in Oregon in February. At night we played RPG’s and a few board games and watched terrible, terrible movies. Steve managed to bring some DVD’s filled with some of the worst films in the scifi genre in addition to the ‘Miami boob’ DVD’s that must have graced skinimax back in the day. Here’s what we watched and the average grade for each.
Raiders of Atlantis
Rating: C
I liked this movie, despite it being, you know, terrible. It had some Italians that pretended to be in Miami and Atlantis rose up out of the ocean to unleash some sort of human control mechanism that gave rise to a biker gang that attacked everyone with silly go cart things. This is sort of an island mad max with aliens and shit. The Italian actress in here (Gioia Scola) is a looker.
Robo Vampire
Rating: F+
Horror High
Rating: F
Rating: C
An interesting sci fi movie that a couple people really liked. The android lady is played by a beautiful woman who was murdered just as her career was getting rolling (the movie Star 80 was based on her life and murder). Overall I thought this was poorly paced and overacted, yet with some interesting parts. The space ship designs were cool.
Deadly Prey
Rating: D
This is a ridiculous film, with almost all scenes taking place within a few hundred yards off a road somewhere in California. People may enjoy this for the comedy of it, because it does take itself so seriously, it’s hard not to laugh. There were some good fight scenes here and there, but overall this was pretty boring.
Hard Ticket to Hawaii
Rating: C
This film has the famous scene where the skateboarder with a fuck-doll and a shotgun gets blown up by a rocket launcher. Let me tell you that it is the best scene in the film and the rest is pretty forgettable. I like boobs and this has a lot of them often, but it’s just not enough, even compared to some of the other Andy Sidaris films we suffered through. The concept of taking playboy and penthouse actresses and throwing them headlong into films like this I do appreciate and approve of. You could strike gold: look at Marilyn Chambers in Rabid— despite her ‘park a couple of mac trucks in there vag,’ she was a decent actress.
The Eliminators
Rating: C
Well shit this has Security officer Natasha Yar from Star Trek the next generation. She gets her WHITE tanktop wet while nearly drowning inside a crashed airplane too. Otherwise this is a strange cyborg movie that has a few solid scenes, including a very comical bar fight that ends up being highly entertaining. I could barely sit through this one, but it’s not unwatchable. The pursuit of the ‘heroes’ by a pissed off lesbian boat tour captain was the highlight for me.
The Dungeonmaster
Rating: D+
I don’t know about the other guys, but this movie is one I wished I hadn’t watched. Sure it has Bull from night court and he does a hammy good job, but overall a lot of the vignettes are trash. Generally disappointing, but has some funny parts. It has WASP playing a song in it. Great.
Rolling Vengance
Rating: C-
This is some sort of coming of age film for a young truck driver in a truck driver family in Ohio that runs afoul of some hillbillies that end up killing accidentally then on purpose his entire family, and then they rape his girlfriend outside his barn. He gets revenge by running them all over with a monster truck with the help of the local police. Fucksakes.
Hands of Steel
Rating: D+
This is a near-future cyborg movie from 1986. The plot isn’t that bad: a critical anti-pollution activist is nearly killed by a mind-wiped cyborg that botches the assassination on purpose and escapes. Yet, the critical scene is an arm wrestling one so you can imagine where this ends up.
Rating: C (I rated it higher!)
This is my favorite film from the ski trip and one I want to force others to watch as soon as possible, especially women. Hundra is a full bore warrior woman of a tribe of women who only need men to mate with and make more women! She has to confront some VERY hard choices when things go wrong for her tribe and while this starts out just like Conan the Barbarian, it soon takes a very strange and incredible turn when Hundra goes to see a seer who tells her things she does not want to hear. Laurene Landon is awesome. Absolutely recommended.
Prisoner 984
Rating: D-
There were a couple more I’ll throw up onto another post.
A good chicken dinner
Maurice!Bastard got 11 kills and brought the mraaks to ultimate victory nearly single-handedly.
Most people are playing pubg at this point, so I won’t post anything that isn’t near amazing!
Some more PUBG
Needless to say, the mraaks of mraaktagon have been mraaking the pubg quite a bit in the last month or so. Things are done, said and failures are ridiculed and it’s captured on video for the ages.
Gencon 2017 Day one
Man it’s crowded. The exhibit hall was packed to the gills like a Saturday and it’s Thursday! Twilight Imperium 4 is the big release at the con this year so far and it’s just not my cup of tea being 8 hours of turtling and whoever was able to win the role selection for vps mini game wins in the end.
Lines are long. People smell. My secret bathroom is overrun and the toilets are heated. Gencon.
EVO 2017 streaming this weekend

This weekend is EVO in Las Vegas and everything will be streamed. I always catch the finals matches of Guilty Gear, Blazblue and any King of Fighters that are on the docket later on YouTube, but there is a ton of, and I would hazard to say most, of the brilliant play is in the non final matches, when players are not super nervous and not playing it safe. And yes there is Teeken and Street fighter too.
More info at shacknews