Though we won’t see this in the states for quite long time, King of Fighters 13 is looking solid. Adding the girl’s team and K’ team to the roster among a few others. Still no Choi Bunge, Chang, Eji or Billy though–where are all the bad guys?
Category: Uncategorized
Dwarf Fortress
MOO 1&2 for 6 bucks
Works in WIN 7 straight out of the bo–er, download. Link
Calculated Griefing for the FUCKING WIN! Makes me want to go back in time and grief the fuck out’a some cs 1.6
Gaming Hoopla, WI
Dark Helmet
Beer. It’s proof that the gods love us and want us to be happy. I am compelled by my uneducated beer-snobbery to mention a high quality brew that anyone in the Green Bay area for any amount of time should imbibe and that’s DARK HELMET from Titletown brewery. I’m usually not a fan of dark lagers as everything around turns out to be very Guinness-esque but this is something absolutely special.
Outdoor Survival
Playing a turn per day and hopefully (very) short game of Outdoor Survival that is being tracked on twitter. I am the piss-yellow colour.
Chops and Chops (and other stuff)
Just thouroughly impressed at the number of kids with chops in these pics from berlin… plus there is a never-before-seen hairstyle that is all sorts of awesome.
Crackdown 2 multiplayer sneak peek
Yeah, I really don’t like linking to IGN because they do their reviews without actually playing the games, but I’ll make an exception with the Crackdown 2 multiplayer sneak peak. Now, Crackdown is one of those awesome not so great games. That is, no one is going to call the original a great game, but it was good exceedingly fun just to run around an open world blowing shit up without all the GTA bullshit (people calling your cell constantly in game, actually having to drive cars: bleh)–it just had some rough edges and was a lot of the same all the way through. The new one looks to be more of the same: good, not great, but real fun stuff. Looking forward to it.