use this link to sign up for the xbox360 beta HERE and check video of the game here . mute i’m sorry for the post about a gaym that would be better if you could play it with a mouse and a keybOArd.

…other than because the end of Bioshock and Bioshocked 2 sucked. The inclusion of a robot George Washington put the final nail in that coffin for me. Other than looking insipidly steampunk stupid, it’s NOT a fitting testament to the one single person in American history that made all of this possible– i.e.: that we aren’t serfs to some milksop douche with peerage from an American crown. So you make a robot of the one good guy in American history that you have to shoot? Stupid cunts.
Does winning football games give people the right to place their penis inside a child’s butthole? Your riot says YES! Your football program should be dissolved. Your school should be closed, then demolished. You are a school of paederasts.
Yeah. Though it won’t stick to the ground, today is saying to all of us that the piss rain at 38 degrees horrible weather phase of the year is nearing it’s end and WINTER IS COMING. I picked up a black RED HI FI helmet because this year, at least once, I will go on a fun box and maybe off a small jump though here in Wisconsin with the hill’s (and I’m being very specific here saying HILL) proclivity for being covered by a little snow and a lot of ice, the latter may not happen. In any case, the shit season between mountain biking and snowboarding is almost over.
Here’s a video of US playing l4d2 from earlier this week. L4D2 is still the best coop PC game available.
i respected him with the plugy mod once or twice so i could PUMP more points into werewolf shit. i thought at first the wolf form was terrible, but found out i just needed a FASTER weapon with some lifesteal and BANG, werewolf guy started to kill some shit! i’ve got a couple summons to help keep the hoard off my back, but mostly i just use the werewolf skill that adds life steal charge up for the first three attacks and then lasts for 20 seconds or some shit, that life steal plus your base life steal from weapons makes a nice punchy dude. also you get a speed bonus so you can run faster which in diablo 2 is WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT, you want to run around as FAST as possible.
funny thing, the temple vipers almost fucking killed me. AGAIN! fuck though guys man. fuckem.
video of boss kills HERE.
daylabor proved to be a easy to use character even for a player that doesn’t really have any clue what the best paladin build looks like. i used holy fire mostly and then zeal and a bit of the fire resistance at in the MC esure place. pretty much you just run around punching shit until it is dead. i enjoyed the paladin and i feel at home with a punch non-ranged character. there were a couple close calls here and there, mostly the lighting enchanted shit, OF COURSE.
here’s daylabor stats and gear,
and here’s a link to the bastard in action.