Cain indulged the current obsession for the fourth time this weekend hauling his Night Goblin swarm over to pit them against the primal fury of the beastmen in Warhammer Fantasy Battle. We rolled ‘battle for the pass’ for the scenario, which means the armies fight it out starting on the short ends of the 6′ X 4′ table rather than the long ones as normal. This gave a very compact center with little room on the flanks for maneuver or trickery. At 1500 points per side, that made for quite the crowded table with few places to escape the big blocks of rank n file. A tough fight for the goblins to start with as the table set up neutralized the Gobbo advantages on the flanks (there weren’t any!) was exacerbated by a bit of terrain that worked just a wee too well in the beastmen’s favor: the Anvil of Vaul (oh and his fanatics).

Under normal circumstances, the Anvil of Vaul, which gives Flaming and Magical attack augmentation to all units within 6″, would be a pretty even bonus for both sides in a fight, but I just happened to choose Blackened Plate as my only magic item for the army (man was 1500 points a squeeze). Blackened Plate gives a 2 up ward save to the wearer against flaming attacks AND a 4 up ward save for any unit he is with. In the clutch block on block fights during the battle, all within 6″ of the Anvil of Vaul, this gave my main Gor unit, who usually go skin with no save at all, a horrific advantage over the Goblins leading to their decimation, flight and subsequently ending up inside a stomach for their pains. Still it was a great game and we’re finally getting down the rules. It’s been tough to remember the fiddly bits here and there and to remember that Charges are resolved before compulsory movement (a big change from almost every Warhammer ruleset I’ve ever played) but we’re getting closer. One makes a big investment getting into a game like Warhammer, and committing to an edition and so far I couldn’t be more pleased with the games played– all just a total blast that makes 4 hours go by in a wink.
My list was finally legal after struggling to reconcile the 7th edition book with the 8th edition rules (sorry Cain) but was not fully painted, which is my personal shame as I really dislike hitting the table with unpainted stuff:
Gorbull (General)
Blackened Plate*
Wargor (Battle Standard Bearer)
Bray Shaman Level 1 (Lore of Beasts)
38 Gor with additional hand weapons, standard, musician and champion (both the Gorebull and Wargor joined this unit)
10 Gor with additional hand weapons, musician (in ambush)
29 Ungor with spears and shields, standard, musician (the Bray Shaman joined the ungor)
2 Tuskagor Chariots
5 Chaos Hounds
Razorgor (played by a Hound of Scathach from Confrontation)
A big fat Giant!