The host of this blog since inception (2009) ‘retired’ so I had to quickly move the whole shooting match as well as a few other sites I had hosted there to another location. I made the decision to just keep going, as ridiculous as this blog is, why not.
The new host is good, but it messed up the formatting of the 2015 theme, so I’m going to have to refactor the whole thing. What’s more some of the images didn’t make it over the crossing, so over time I may go back and clean up very very old posts. That said, hopefully some of the articles over the years are useful to folks. For me this is all a stupid diary of gaming bliss and complaints about movies and how lame star wars is and will ever be. It’s all sort of a giant waste of time looking both back and forward, and in some ways, I think that’s awesome.
Thanks for wasting your time reading the last two paragraphs, you will be rewarded by enjoying international women’s day for all the wrong reasons again.