Derek and Clive- I’ve seen clips of this but this is the entire thing shot with the interim stuff that’s not on the record. I know there are some bits that they’ve done before here but a ton of this is off the cuff which is simply amazing. Can you get tax relief on an unemployed knob?
We got in a game of Carolina Death Crawl Sunday and oh boy– it’s a doozy! I’m going to try to write this session report without saying too much about what happened, just in case others get a chance to play, but this may be difficult.
The essential premise is that four characters (there is no GM/DM) are members of a Union cavalry regiment raiding into North Carolina in 1863– the issue is that all four characters are from North Carolina themselves– some from the areas they are raiding into. The characters commit various atrocities against towns in the raid and then the game begins with them cut off behind enemy lines–likely shot as deserters by the Union and CERTAINLY shot by their own kinfolk for being traitorous fiends to the fine state of North Carolina.
The game is played with action cards, that come in three flavors: Kill, Destroy, Disgrace. In order to get one of said cards you need to act out a scene that involves your character killing someone (not the other characters), destroying something or disgracing your own character in someway. Examples of killing would be shooting contraband, shooting the horses so people have to walk, stabbing people, blowing people up with dynamite–that’s the easy one. Destroy is all about property, livestock, personal items, trains, maritime devices and the like. The third is the difficult one, but I think the most room for creativity. Your character has to act in some disgraceful way like getting drunk during a raid, hiding and running away, stealing from children, goldbricking, mistreating women, mating with various farm animals, running through the streets of town naked brandishing only a gun, these types of things.
When you get the cards, each has some sort of prompt on it and a point value. The game is played via a series of scenes that take place during three acts. During each act every player starts a scene like running away from angry farmers or out of a burning forest or during a robbery of some stately home– during this they can make up characters which are then played by the other players. You play these scenes out to their conclusion (decided by the group) and players can play their prompt cards on the scene to bring in complications like attacking rebels or various wild animals, natural dangers or other drama. At the end of each scene, points are added up and the character with the lowest value dies. The game continues then with the remaining characters until only one is left. Each character gets to describe their death in any way they want.
This would be quite boring for the dead characters except that they become SWAMP GHOSTS who create a scene after all the other characters do so and can play cards on any scene when they want–these are negative cards that subtract from a character’s total at the end of an Act. The swamp ghosts become essentially the king makers as to who lives or dies. They don’t know what cards the player’s have put down on the table or their totals, but they know who they feel should be killed next based on the scenes and roleplaying. If a player wronged another player during the game, certainly that Swamp ghost will make it very difficult on that person to be able to live.
My semi-reglar play group has been experimented on with various RPG’s since the end of their Pathfinder campaign with FATE and Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, both of which stretched their narrative powers from before, but nothing like Carolina Death Crawl. It took them a bit to understand that they could make up ANYTHING within the context of the game but they soon got the hang of it and things went completely off the rails. Towns were burned and looted, characters were shot and stabbed by NPC’s and other players, women were needlessly hanged, contraband was at first released and then killed in cold blood.
The points became a bit contentious at the end of the game because everyone basically gets the same number of cards but the points on them are not the same (5 is highest, 1 is lowest). People were saying that you could just make up anything to add a prompt to a scene–and some of them were great, but a few were really stretching it to use the prompt. The equalizer here are the Swamp ghosts. If you play your 5 point card with some shitty description that adds nothing to the scene, the swamp ghosts may NOT go after the character that left them for dead in the mud bleeding out from a gut shot in the middle of the street–they may go after you for shitting on the scene for points! I would just assume you will get to play all of your prompt cards at some point and don’t sweat it– just use them well to create interesting actions, places and complications and it’s all good. The game is not supposed to be fair even though someone technically wins (shot, bitten by snakes and morally crippled as they are).
All in all, an amazing experience for everyone that I hope to both repeat and see other ‘modules’ built out with different situations. The cost is only 15$ or so to get the cards off Drivethru CCG. Since we had 6 players, 2 of us had to play as Swamp Ghosts to start– so I didn’t really get to play as a character (I did get to be a bunch of terrible and helpless NPC’s though) While I recommend this to everyone as a great RPG experience, the subject matter is extremely adult with all manner of atrocities committed both by and TO the player characters.
A blast from the past– I found these bits about Shadowfist 2nd edition circa 1996 (hosted right here) a couple days ago and was filled with wonderment. A lot of these ideas are fair but a few seem crazy to me (multiple sets out of a box, starters that are fun to play). Collected from quotes from Jose Garcia himself in 1996, as we approach the same sort of situation it’s interesting to see the parallels (though Jose didn’t have Kickstarter to help limp things along for years until receeding back into the loam again).
That said I’ve got a long post coming on why the most recent kickstarter limped along (still made an outrageous amount of money compared to what they likely needed) and why none of my play group supported it (some were even more against it than I was) and with the crazy ass shit on the Yahoo message boards recently, it’s time to start writing the obituary again. So stay tuned.
Card based, single session, ELIMINATION RPG playable in 3 hours? Sign my ass up! I picked up a print on demand set of cards from Drivethru CCG and am going to try to run it on an unsuspecting group this Sunday.
Dan Carlin, after the massive Mongol series, posted a podcast about the Reformation. All good stuff. This is shit you were not taught in school at all. Pure fuckage.
Obligatory post here. The boys from Champlaignge Illinois have really upped the ante of crazy sit. If there were any illusions about GTA being worth even looking at compared to this, those are gone now. I’m trying to stop myself from a pre-order. I will not be able to. The ripping on Mass Effect alone is worth it. The video below already lists it as game of the year and it’s tough not to simply agree.
Reader was good, it dominated the scene since nearly inception, but it never got any better. They never did anything much with it and it sort of sat there. Since Google’s products to their customers is people’s personal information, it’s going to be a LOT better moving forward with blog aggregators by people that actually care about blog aggregators. So reader was a blip and will not be missed. No one will look back and say “oh I really miss google reader,” because while it was good in 2005, it’s not 2005 anymore last I checked.
Anyway, I’ve switched over to a Chrome Plugin called FEEDLY and it seems OK so far. What I really need now is to get is a newsgroup reader…
Sub-Random gear on Radford may not be popped. If Radford is popped, Sub-random gear cards on her are returned to your hand instead of going to the dead pile.
She is an illusion created by a side-effect of the dreams of the child vampire god Krassjsduvul, who lies in status in a prison /tomb in the core of the planet Mars.
I backed Star Citizen by Chris Roberts and was real glad that it got uber-funded because despite his fat face showing up in the wing commander movie (piss from the very depths of space) the fucker makes great games and has literally defined the space fighter/trader genre. I’ve been ignoring the backer emails from some time now– I just feel, hell I backed your shit, now leave me alone until the game is ready for me to play, plus now he’s sitting on a pot of gold which COULD make someone build a shitgame like Duke Nukem or Diakatana, but I just checked this out on a whim and Roberts is putting out something SERIOUS here–fake commercials for spaceships in his games that rival some of the best BF3 videos from EA– and those are essentially TV commercials. Lay your burned out eyeballs on this tasty morsel: