Lamentations indigogo: No Salvation for Witches

Likely the cover by the amazing Jason Rhineville
Likely the cover by the amazing Jason Rhineville

By the guy that did the Teratic Tome (A monster manual where everything has tits on it) and the solid sword and sandal hex crawl BAD MYRMIDON. Looks great. While browsing Rhineville’s art I noticed a pic for a sandbox LotFP module set during the English Civil War. If Better than Any Man was any indication, it should be badass and just horrifying at the same time.

Gencon cometh

Next week the nerdgasm of the year starts and many of my three readers will be there.  This year is ALL about the RPG’s with a new big shiny D&D version just out, a new version of Runequest that will be shaking it’s booty all over, a big shiny new book for 13th Age and Exalted….uh…. guess not.

Given the high focus on RPG’s I’m eschewing my normal Shadowfist tournament for playing some Dungeon Crawl Classics and 13th Age.  This isn’t due to not loving Shadowfist, but the new version of the game has moved in unfortunate directions, being simply a vanity project for the current developers and their kickstarter backers.

All that aside, I think this will be an awesome time as usual.  Most importantly:

