It’s been 10 months and we finally got back on Roll 20 for some 13th Age. Unfortunately, the group was right in the middle of a dungeon, so the break between sessions sucked for everyone. I blame this on 1) Summer 2014, 2) Runequest 6 which most of the same group played in person after summer 3) people not showing up on Thursdays on Roll20 (myself included!). 4) Me taking it too seriously and building a huge campaign area and series of prepared adventures (whether original or pulled from wherever) instead of going the lazy route, which 13th Age allows. 5) Moving.
I think it was a good getting back into the game session, but I still have problems spending player’s Icon rolls in these short 2 hour sessions, especially when they roll well and I’ve got a bunch of 5’s there. 5’s are the hardest.
More RPG stuff to read.
Interview with Raggi and the guy that finished the new TOWERS TWO adventure after the GWAR guy died:
Raggi always has a lot of really interesting stuff to say and ways to say it.
As the Runequest name goes back to Chaosium and Gloratha for good, we have Design Mechanism’s new name for their BRP D100 game following the RQ6 ruleset: MYTHRAS. While I won’t need to buy this since I have RQ6 already, I likely will. Best thing is that any supplements based on Mythras will be RQ6 compatible, and that’s fucking awesome for you and for me.

What’s more, DM is coming out with Classic Fantasy, a hack of RQ for dungeon crawling old school style. Here is a preview of it.
For those playing/GMing 5e, below is an article detailing that you can stack your D20’s (like 3D20 and take the worst one or vice versa) and it works. Say someone is wounded, turning to stone, being eaten alive, etc. you can double down on the disadvantage roll and the math doesn’t turn to shit. Overall Advantage/Disadvantage is a great mechanic that has definitely trickled into my games.
Stacked disadvantage in 5E with maths.
Lastly, the Shinobigami translation will be ready for playtesting in about a month. This is a ‘get together for about 5 hours’ type of game like Carolina Death Crawl, so look for that on your calendars in May.