Flashpoint Info Card Rulings

New Definitions

Toast It: A card with the restriction Toast It is toasted if it leaves play. It never goes into the smoked pile. If an Event has Toast It, the Event is played directly into the toasted ple.

New Rulings

Cards may not turn in the same sequence of effects in which they entered play.

No more than one card can be used to reduce the cost of another card.

No specific card may unturn another card more than once per turn.

You are not allowed to intercept characters you control.

Any time a card is returned to a player's hand or to its controller's hand, it goes to its owner's hand instead.

Characters that are taken control of are removed from any attack or interception they have been declared to be part of.

Any card that changes controllers unturns.

"Playing" a card requires you to pay its cost and meet its resource conditions. "Returning" a card to play, or "putting" a card into play, is not the same as "playing" a card. Cards that state they respond to opponents playing a card are not triggered if opponents return a card to play or put a card into play.

Old Rulings

Words that appear in the name and subtitle of a card are that card's designators. The words Site, Feng Shui Site, Edge, State, and Event are not designators. Neither are connecting words like "of," "and," and "the."

Events are played into the smoked pile. Other cards enter play as soon as they are generated in a sequence of effects. Characters' abilities and sites' abilities are effective as soon as they enter play, but the effects of Edges, States, and Events do not take effect until they resolve in the sequence of effects.

Last modified: August 29, 1996; please send comments to durrell@innocence.com.