Torrance Fisting - March 1998 Report

by Stefan Vincent
March 15, 1998

Only six Secret Warriors showed up on Saturday to decide the fate of the world - left us with 3 rounds of 3, and a 4 player final...

Frank   - Dragons/Hand         "Pet Semetary"            - Ancestral Tomb and lots of weenies
Tim M.  - Dragons/Ascended     "Suicidal Tendencies"     - Dark Traveler, actually
Stefan  - Peacock (mostly h/a) "We Are Borg"
Matt    - Dragons/Ascended     "Replacement Killers"
Garrett - Dragons/Lotus        "Kill It Before It Grows" - regenerators amok
Mike N. - Dragons/Jammers      "Mall Rats"
Very odd set - everyone packing Dragons (although mine was only the token Redeemed Gunman), and two of the almost-never-seen Dragons/Ascended mix. First seating had a quick win for Matt (as we see Garrett commence his downward spiral into oblivion), and a very long drawn out game ending in a triple tie when time was called at the other table. Yes, really. That game could have gone on for quite a bit longer, too.
Matt (1) - 8 Frank  (0.5) - 6
Mike     - 6 Tim    (0.5) - 6
Garrett  - 1 Stefan (0.5) - 6
Since we had a four-way tie for 2nd place, we picked randomly to see who stayed at the big table with Matt and who went to play at the kiddie table with Garrett. Matt again took the win at his table, looking unstoppable. At the other table, the Borg assimilated all comers and finished off with the Queen leading in all the newly converted drones to take the last site for the win.
Matt (2)   - 16 Stefan (1.5) - 14
Tim  (0.5) - 10 Frank  (0.5) - 10.5
Mike       - 9  Garrett      - 5.5
Still anybody's game at this point, as Frank went to the head table by half a point. Both games finished in about 30 minutes, with Frank's Dragons beating Matt into submission finally, and Tim's Dark Travelers running rampant all over Garrett.
Frank  (1.5) - 18.5 Tim (1.5) - 18
Stefan (1.5) - 19   Mike      - 14
Matt   (2)   - 18   Garrett   - 6.5
Mike and Garrett debated over staying a while to play some games afterward, and we talked them into hanging around - "this won't take long." Well, uh, they had time to play 5 games of Babylon 5 before I decked out and joined them for some Shadowfist, and then we still played 3 games before the final ended... One of the strangest games I've ever played - everyone was in fear of my Positive Chi's since they'd stop any attack, but there wasn't much on the board for me to Shadowy Mentor - Frank's Ting Ting was immune, and Tim's Dark Travelers would be 2s for me, so we stalemated for a while. I sat for two turns to build up power and then made my last run for the win - there was plenty of denial on the table so I didn't really expect to make it. Since I was decking out the next turn, I went out in a blaze of Chi - 3 Difficulty at the Beginning for Matt (didn't really matter, since no one had really been playing, just accumulating power for several turns) followed by the double Positive Chi to make sure everyone had something to mess with when I was gone. With the Chi gone, Frank made a valiant run at the win, which sort of succeeded - he made it through all the interceptors and hit, except Tim realized that he couldn't have made that attack anyway, since his first one failed (Ting Ting was dead at this point, but Bao Chou was a rocking 22 fighting, so who cares?). So they do the big back up and continue. The game went back and forth a bit longer as everybody jockeyed for position and slowly used up their denial, until it finally came around to Tim and nobody had enough to stop his Dark Travelers (14s at this point, or maybe 16s even).
Tim    - win
Frank  - 2nd
Matt   - 3rd
Stefan - decked

Last modified: May 19, 1998.
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