Torrance Fisting - January 1998 Report

by Garrett Wong
January 12, 1998

First round
The first round started off pretty slow too. Garrett took a site early on from Matt for power with Johnny Tso or Jack Donovan (AKA Sean Archer - hence "Face Off" against the Golden Gunman, Castor Troy). Unfortunately he was only at one sight at the time amd so he needed the power. =P At any rate, the hitter was promptly shown off the table and into the smoked pile. While this occurred, Ray managed to pull out 6 sites and Matt sat at victory conditions of 4 sites with no characters. Garrett managed to pull out either Johnny or Jack with the five power, but they were taken care of by Jeff and Matt's architect attacks. So, with Ray at 6 sites, he was the new target and everyone picked on him and forced the revelation of the dreaded Fox Pass. At any rate, that pretty much stalled out most of the game resulting in the final deadlock with Matt emerging victorious with the largest body total on the table.

Second round
Matt, Jeff and Garrett almost got the chance to keep all of their seats warm by staying in the same spots, but then that was recalled and someone ended up moving to Ray's spot. Ray was replaced by Corey. So, now the table looked like two architects and two dragons at opposite corners. A good mix. The game started off pretty quickly this time. Matt once again managed to pull out four feng shuis and no defenders for a while. Corey looked like he could have used a couple more sites to get power. Jeff wasn't doing too well in terms of big characters. Lots of little DNA mages and such. I think Matt made the first moves toward victory and got stomped, hence the no defenders. Garrett followed up with Castor Troy (the Gunman) and managed to take one site for a victory counter which put him at victory conditions. Of course, the Gunman's not an event target made him a pain. At any rate, he too was quickly shuffled off to the smoked pile. Once the Gunman was taken care of, Corey managed to pull a site for power which he saved for Matt's next attempt at victory. Corey pulled out a Redeemed Assassin to stop Matt's King of the Fire Pagoda, but got taken out shortly after that. So, with the table pretty much clear, Garrett made his next attempt at victory by playing either a cop or Johnny and attacking Matt. This attack got stopped an with the two remaining power, Garrett made the Gunman comeback for the win.

Third round
This game, Frank made it to the table and Corey left. Once again, Matt and Garrett managed to keep their seats warm and remained in the same spots. This game started off really slow with only a couple of sites and foundation characters popping out all around. Matt and Frank were the only really viable entities to win, but always managed to get stopped by interceptors or Jeff's architects. Frank was a little upset with Matt's Fox Pass which kept him from winning more than once. But Garrett liked it, because he followed Frank's attakcs on Matt for easy sites at the end, which eventually gave him the 2nd place once time was called. Matt continued to fight Frank for victory until time was called with Matt's three sites and one in victory taking 1st, Garrett's one and two for victory taking 2nd and Frank's three on the table taking 3rd. Jeff was then demoted to the semi-finals after which he would return.

So, in the finals, the table was a repeat of the third round with Matt, Frank, Jeff and Garrett all looking for prize money. This time however, Matt switched seats with Jeff and Garrett got to keep his seat warm. So, in the finals Garrett was forced to lay a Proving ground for his first site. Jeff decided to reveal this prematurely, leaving two damage on it and Garrett in a bad position. With him out of the way, everyone slowly built up and tried to take away the damaged proving ground. While everyone fought over his site, Garrett managed to put down a Police station to annoy all those drug labs. Eventually he got a Whirlpool in the back row to start generating power. Frank finally manged to take the Proving ground away after Jeff and Matt stopped him for three turns and each person not pulling characters that could attack. Jeff was kinda stuck for a while too, having not found a DNA mage until midway through the game. So, Frank and Matt once again sat poised for victory with Garrett playing suckage and having to throw states on other people's characters to help prevent wins and Jeff slowly and secretly building up. After about six rounds of Matt and Frank trying to win and end up killing each other, Jeff managed to sweep up the win with a bunch of puds and a Queen of the Ice Pagoda.Frank pulled down second with a victory counter and Matt took third. Garrett ended up fourth because he could never manage to get more than one feng shui in play at any given time. =P

Last modified: March 11, 1998.
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