HARMONY by Yuit Sum Vong

This is the deck that Yuit used to win Flashpoint Finchley 56 in March 2001. She has won other tournaments before with it such as the Z-Man EuroTour event in London. It started some time ago as a pure hand deck of mine. I wanted a deck which would be able to win if I found myself in a cheese sandwich and the Guiding Hand are the best for that, I feel. I then passed it on to Yuit who tuned it around the new Wong Fei Hongin Year of the Dragon by adding chi states. It used to splash a little more Monarch and pack a Spirit Pole for state recycling but only the Queen remains now.

Yuit's favourite card in the deck is Shaolin Surprise which she has used more than once to steal a MegaTank and so win.

The name comes from the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 - the secret society that started it was called the Harmonious Fists. It starts out being tranquil and then gets righteous and finally gets angry and comes at you with a bunch of fives. That's the only sort of Buddhist harmony that the gwailo understand!

GUIDING HAND - 49 cards including 17 Foundation

3 Confucian Stability
1 Fong Sai Yuk (old)
5 Golden Candle Society
1 Green Senshi Chamber
1 Into the Light
1 Iron and Silk
1 Leung Mui
1 One Hundred Names
1 Orange Senshi Chamber
1 Peasant Uprising
1 Quan Lo
4 Righteous Fist
3 Righteous Protector
1 Rigorous Discipline
1 Robust Feng Shui
2 Shan Tsu
5 Shaolin Sanctuary
2 Shaolin Surprise
1 Shield of Pure Soul
1 Shih Ho Kuai
1 Sun Chen
2 The Iron Monkey
1 Tranquil Persuader
1 True Son of Heaven
1 White Senshi Chamber
2 Wind on the Mountain
3 Wong Fei Hong (new)
1 Yellow Senshi Chamber

CHI - 19 cards

1 Blade Palm
1 Contract of the Fox
1 Flying Sword Stance
1 Fortuitous Chi
4 Fortune of the Turtle
1 Invincible Chi
3 Shadowfist
2 The Fox Outfoxed
1 Twin Thunder Kick
2 Violet Meditation
2 Wing of the Crane

FENG SHUI SITES - 19 cards

1 City Park
1 City Square
1 Dragon Mountain
1 Fox Pass
4 Inner Sanctum
1 Turtle Beach
2 Petroglyphs
2 Puzzle Garden
2 Smiling Heaven Lake
1 Temple of the Angry Spirits
1 Jade Valley
2 Gambling House


1 Queen of the Ice Pagoda (old)
1 White Ninja (new)

= 89 cards