Fascist State

by Alex Wargacki
August 5, 1997

1 Bite of the Jellyfish
2 Family Estate
3 Operation Killdeer
2 Paper Trail
3 Shadowy Mentor
4 SWAT Team
3 The Pledged
1 Undercover Cop
2 Abominable Lab
1 Bzzzzzt!
1 Colonel Griffith
2 Expendable Unit
4 Nerve Gas
1 Neutron Bomb
5 PubOrd Officer
2 PubOrd Sniper
1 PubOrd Squad
2 Sergeant Blightman
2 Super Soldier
2 Tactical Team
2 Test Subjects
1 Birdhouse Cafe
1 Dragon Mountain
1 Fox Pass
5 Inner Sanctum
2 Pinball Hall
5 Police Station
2 Rust Garden
1 Turtle Beach
= 64 cards


25 Characters
2 Edges
12 Events
13 Feng Shui Sites
9 Sites
3 States
6 0 cost
19 1 cost
14 2 cost
6 3 cost
6 4 cost
13 variable cost
12 1 fighting
4 2 fighting
2 3 fighting
2 5 fighting
2 6 fighting
2 9 fighting
2.75 average fighting (by character)
1.03 average fighting (by card)
9 Ascended
10 Flesh Architects
30% Base resource
20% Feng Shui
14% Site
3% Tech
55 Limited
6 Netherworld
3 Flashpoint
20 Very Common
23 Common
8 Uncommon
13 Rare
20% Rares
19 Ascended
27 Flesh Architects
18 Neutral


The cop deck is a familiar concept but this is a new venture for Alex. It does not qualify as a theme deck as it only has 15 cops and, indeed, there was some surprise that it did not include more cops - Gruff Lieutenant or another Undercover Cop.
Alex has been in 5 of 12 Finchley finals and has now won two of them. There is a good case for saying that he is now The Man in London, now that Tom Kassel seems to have lost his touch.
With this deck, he has at last broken the winning streak of the Thing with 1000 Tongues. The Thing had a very good run - playing a key part in the last 6 victories. The prize for this success was a signed Thing with 1000 Tongues - well done. Alex now has three copies of this card and so we probably have not seen the last of it.
As usual, a JPEG picture of Alex Wargacki is being posted to the newsgroup with these reports.

Last modified: January 16, 1998.
Please send comments to nickolof@scf.usc.edu.
Send server comments to durrell@innocence.com.