Bouncing Booming Bottomless Butterflies

By Paul Beakley
December 11, 1996


Ice Healers x 3
Darkness Priestess x 3
Sinister Priest x 5
Vassals of the Lotus x 1 :    I'd put in a sixth Sinister Priest if I could, but I'd rather have the fast Lotus resource than one more magic.


The Displaced x 2 :    Okay, not really a hitter
Walking Corpses x 2 :    Most efficient hitter in Lotus, and maybe anywhere
Abysmal Daughter x 2 :    She makes sense later, honest. Shitloads of damage because of all the weenies.
Thunder Squire x 4 :    For the Flutterbies; also I think they give you a point of power when you sacrifice them whilst the Feast Of Souls is in play, but even if not they're essential.
Butterfly Knight x 3 :Our Heroes

0-Cost Stuff:

Killing Ground x 2 :I've been putting a couple of these in every deck and -- by God -- they seem to work! Mostly they draw fire away from the FS sites, and if the opponent wants to use its ability then *I* can take it away for power myself.
Art of War x 2 :Every deck gets these.
Pocket Demon x 5
Larcenous Mist x 2 :Just in case.
Glimpse of the Abyss x 2 :Very sweet power generation; I also get to keep more cool FS sites in play and get their abilities.

X Cost Stuff:

Registry of the Damned x 2 :This is the first half of the "machine". Bring back the Thunder Squires (it's a snap to pull up 1 token each turn, especially in multiplayer), resacrifice and bring back a Flutterby (and maybe get a point of power from Feast o' Souls; I really need to get that clarified)
Necromantic Conspiracy x 2 :Get rid of Final Brawls, mostly
Tortured Memories x 2 :Best single card in Lotus, IMHO
Discerning Fire x 2 :Just in case.
Feast of Souls x 2 :Shitloads of power once they hit the board because of all the weenies
Spirit Pole x 2 :The other half of the "machine." Play back ALL THESE FABULOUS STATES (but especially Explosives on the Flutterby).

The States:

Claws of Darkness x 2 :More power generation
Alabaster Javelein x 2
Flying Crescent x 2 :To maintain attack momentum
Amulet of the Turtle x 2 :Mostly for the Walking Corpses
Sword of Biting x 2 :Mostly in combination with the Alabaster
Javelin; kill damned near anything in the game
Explosives x 3 :Mais oui. Play back onto the recycled Flutterbies with the Spirit Pole. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Feng Shui Sites:

Cave Network x 3 :Free Walking Corpses (or Flutterbies)
Fox Pass x 2 :Redirect attacks against the Registries, mostly, to the weenies
Inner Sanctum x 2 :A fair opening play; mostly to protectProving Grounds and the Registry of the Damned.
Monkey House x 2 :ONLY on the first turn; the Fox Passes kind of screw it up, though.
Proving Ground x 2 :ONLY behind Monkey Houses or Inner Sanctums
Whirlpool of Blood x 2 :General defense.


Aaaand that's it. The recycling engine is actually quite hard to stop because, in our circle, most people don't work at getting rid of edges. Ideally, with the Abysmal Daughter in play, you can start throwing states-enhanced suicide weenie attacks against pretty much ANYONE, toss around a bunch more damage, make a bunch more power, play a bunch more weenies. The recycled Butterfly Knights + recycled Explosives (especially mid-attack) is just wrong, wrong, wrong. If I had more Spirit Poles, they'd go into the deck.

Last modified: September 20, 1997.