Daedalus newsletter looking for contributors

This summer Daedalus Entertainment will be launching its official Shadowfist/Feng Shui Newsletter, Comrades in Arms. Details regarding the distribution of the newsletter and its publication date are yet to come. What we're looking to do at the moment is to drum up submissions.

The newsletter will feature announcements, product news, articles and short works of fiction concerning Shadowfist and Feng Shui. Some of which will be authored by Daedalus staffers but we'll be drawing heavily on fan contributors.

Here's what you get:

Daedalus compensates contributors in product to the amount of 5 cents of product (valued at suggested retail price) per word. Contributors get their choice of product (subject to availability) and a complimentary contributor's copy at the time of publication. Daedalus holds the publication rights to the material in question but copyright remains with the contributor. Note however that depending on the nature of the article, that doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be able to publish and sell this material without Daedalus harumphing. Although as usual we have no problem with fans writing material using our copyrights and trademarks for their web pages, newsgroup postings, etc.

We're also interested in someone with editing and layout skills to get the newsletter ready for press. This is something that we can do ourselves but all other things being equal we'd prefer to have it done out of house. We'd would compensate such a contribution with product as well.

Writers Guidelines

First off don't send any unsolicited material. If you're interested in contributing contact me first. I reccomend that you don't do anything until you've been given the go ahead.

The following is a list of things I'm looking for. If you have an idea for an article that doesn't fit anything on this list drop me a note and see if you can't convince me to publish it.

This is actually more than one issue's worth of material so some of it will be appearing in the second issue.

A few more things to keep in mind:

I hope that serves to provide you with a clear picture of what we're looking for. I look forward to hearing from you.

Last modified: July 31, 1997.